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The False Gods of Today

2 years ago

Missionary Evangelist Robert Breaker talks about the false gods of today.


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  • Why didn’t God punish Aaron for creating false gods for the Israelites to worship?

  • Some Christian churches have “worship” music that grates on the spirit too.

  • the ball earth is a FALSE IDOL and its IDOL WORSHIP the ball earth is NOT NOT NOT in the bible space and aliens and evolution and the big bang and planets are NOT NOT NOT in the bible

  • science says the earth is a SPINNING BALL IN SPACE and big bang and evolution the KJV BIBLE says the FLAT EARTH DONT MOVE and sits on PILLARS and has a FOUNDATION and has 4 CORNERS and there is a GLASS DOME above us ; genesis 1.7 : THE FIRMAMENT is RAQIYA

  • viruses are NOT NOT NOT in the bible viruses DONT EXIST : dr tom cowan dr andrew kaufman dr lorraine day dr robert o young dr stefan lanka

  • A good sermon despite the constant kibbitzing from the peanut gallery. Whatever happened to sitting silently and contemplatively while the pastor preaches? Good convicting message. We need more pastors who "meddle" and step on toes. I know I wasted so much time--decades!--watching TV and movies. Not sinful ones, but old TVLand sitcoms and Gunsmoke. But it's the incredible number of hours wasted. It's an idol of comfort and ease or as Breaker well put it, "amusement" (literally, not thinking). Now it's all about redeeming the time. I liked Bro. Breaker likening sin to a tumbleweed and rock rolling downhill. Yes, sin has a momentum all its own. An old pastor of mine was fond of saying, "Sin will take you farther than you want to go, keep you longer than you want to stay, and cost you more than you want to pay." That wisdom always stuck with me. Masks are like "screen doors on a submarine" is the best way I heard the uselessness of face-diapers described. Blessing, brother and keep pressing on in Christ!

  • the ball earth is FAKE SCIENCE says the bible = 1 timothy 6.20 the ball earth is NOT in the bible planets are NOT in the bible aliens are NOT in the bible dino's are NOT in the bible evolution is NOT in the bible space is NOT in the bible

  • As someone with a seizure disorder, brain injury from car accident, I struggle with #6 as I use marijuana to control my seizures.....

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  • Great teaching . Thank you brother. We need to see that all . Very actual. So true. Mercy.

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  • Great teaching . Thank you brother. We need to see that all . Very actual. So true. Mercy.

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  • the ball earth is a IDOL and its FAKE and its NOT in the bible

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  • robert breaker is a MASON and his god is the great architect LUCIFER robert breaker is going to HELL with his great architect LUCIFER

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  • these FREEMASONS like robzert breraker their great architect is LUCIFER and so he is a FALSE GOD many pastors are FREEMASONS

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  • FREEMASONS their god is LUCIFER so robert his god is LUCIFER because he is a MASON he DONT want to talk about the BIBLE FLAT EARTH he also DONT want to talk about these FAKE JEWS that are now in israel they are KHAZARS now in israel and they come from KHAZARIA

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  • June 15, 2022 Pentecost June 15, 2022 interestingly June 14, 2022 America due Pentecost Jerusalem time June 15, 2022. https://www.but-thatsjustme.com/rapture-2022-the-rapture-of-the-church-on-the-feast-of-harvest-pentecost/. The planets all line up on June 15, 2022 is this a sign that the rapture to happen on Pentecost? God gave us signs in the heavens like how the earth foundations is on nothing why the earth sits on the circle of the sun the moon on the circle of the earth and the sun circles the center of the milky way is about a static universe. Isaiah 40:22 that he sits upon the circle of the earth just interesting the moon sits upon the circle of the earth the rapture of the bride just interesting the size of the moon is the same size as the New Jerusalem mentioned in the Bible. It is interesting all the planets rotating showing all the planets are round but all sitting on the circle of the sun scientist call this sitting on the circle that the planets orbit the sun, the moon orbits the earth, its is interesting how the entire universe appears to be a static universe, the expansionists never agreed with Einstein and Edwin Hubble like the flat earth folk trying to say the earth is flat when the Bible says the earth rotates giving us day and night and that the earth orbits the sun giving us years, the moon orbits the earth giving us months and the earth rotates giving us days. The question if the Lord sits upon the circle of the earth is the Fathers house our mansions in the New Jerusalem the moon? Its a possibility just like its a possibility the catching away of the bride June 15, 2022 but due the earth is round and the earth rotates the timing would be June 14, 2022 in America.