Gen. Keane: Russian Forces Are ‘Broken’

2 years ago

“Yeah, you are absolutely right. They have been grinding the Ukrainians down using the advantage they have in artillery, they have more of it and some outrages the Ukrainian’s artillery, and the best killer of artillery is the artillery itself and air power, and it has taken the toll on the Ukrainians. All that said in a city, they have made a wise tactical decision, Ukrainians, and not to fight to the last person and moved out some selected portions to preserve them so they can go on the offense, but I think the Russians, John, they have thrown everything at this. Stopped other offenses to pour as much troops as they can into this offense in the two cities you just mentioned. And as a result of that, we think they are going to need an operational pause to refit because they cobbled together the units to do it and they have taken a severe amount of casualties in prosecuting this offense, and as you know and you reported on it, they got across a major river to go into the donetsk region in the west, the portion they have not been attacking and they are notoriously incompetent at crossing rivers and protecting their forces in doing it. So, that’s where they are going to go next for sure, but I think it will take some time before they wrap up maybe another week or so and an operational pause and then on to see if they can take the rest of the donbas. Meanwhile, Ukrainians are going to fight back and also going to go on the offense, at least in a limited way to take some territory back from the Russians.”

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