The fuckry

2 years ago

The fuckry continues and clearly there isn’t any end to the madness, that is perpetuated through this global social engineering and intelligence operation, a.k.a. the program, and I Stephen Bell the so-called protagonist of this shit show, and to be blame for every communication and propaganda campaign that is transmitted and broadcasted all over the world, by the conglomerate of states and intelligence agencies, using their social and political persecution of me as a pretext for running the global social engineering program never mind how obvious this last part of my sentences, just believe whatever they tell you to believe, otherwise you’re a terrorist, freedom of speech is only applicable when you spew and regurgitate the official narratives propagandized especially to the Western audiences.

03-06-2022 When I say the madness continues, I couldn’t be more right could I, this conglomerate of intelligence agencies and states continuous illegal actions against me, can only be described as completely desperate, and they are truly scraping the barrel, especially in regards to their completely outrageous fake claims and allegations against me Stephen Bell, and their way of “proving” their absurdities from their propaganda and PSYOPS, is by having me confirm that I have an engine for sale, or just have me confirm any random question in the positive, then this answer can be “used to confirm ” whatever fabricated narrative that this conglomerate is broadcasting all over the world 24 seven 365, this is truly the epitome of nonsensical bullshit, but hey hey facts, and real life, have no bearing or matter, it’s only the fictitious narratives broadcasted through synthetic telepathy and propaganda campaigns that matter nowadays, or that is the least what they are trying to implement across the world.

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