Little boy waves at school bus every morning. Driver surprises him one day

2 years ago

Rumble-:Every morning at 8:15, a school bus used to stop outside the boy’s house. So, he and his mother used to go out every morning to wave at it. The boy used to say hi to the bus driver who said it back every day for the last six months. However, one day the driver stopped, especially to give something to the boy named Vihaan. It was a toy mini bus. The driver said that it was his last day as he was retiring from the job so he wanted to bring something for the boy. So, they decided to do something special for the man in return. On his last shift, they waited for the bus to arrive. The boy gave the bus driver a farewell box of cookies, a gift card and a thank you card with his own drawings. The man’s reaction on receiving the gift is heartwarming to watch as he thanked the family.

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