Peer-reviewed Israeli study finds NO increase in heart inflammation after COVID infection

2 years ago

The authorities have claimed since December of 2020 that the COVID jabs were safe. Of course this was a misleading statement, because many essential safety studies were skipped and no long-term safety data for this novel product based on completely new technology were available. At best, the authorities could say that they were not aware of harm caused by the inoculations. Even this was a lie, because recent publications of confidential documents show that the authorities were informed of jab toxicity in early 2021.

When more and more anecdotal and scientific reports of heart inflammation (myocarditis, pericarditis, endocarditis) and damage after COVID injection became public, the authorities first only ascribed to certain injections (AstraZeneca and Johnson & Johnson) and said to be "rare". The Pfizer and Moderna injections don't seem be any safer, but it does seem that their producers have more powerful lobbying and propaganda machines.

As it became increasingly clear that they were anything but rare, especially in adolescent boys, the authorities kept saying that regardless of how common they were, the risk of myocarditis due to COVID infection was still higher than the risk due to injection. Said differently, the benefits of injection outweigh the rare harms according to the 'authorities'.

NB: This is a false dichotomy, because COVID inoculation does not prevent or reduce infection, transmission, mild disease or even severe disease. So if you get jabbed, you have the risk of side-effects from the jab and ALSO the unmitigated risks of harm caused by the disease. Also, it is of course not warranted to make such a blanket statement. It has been clear since the second quarter of 2020 that young, lean, healthy people are statistically at near 0 risk of severe and long-term disease.

A new scientific study has been published on April 15, 2022 that proves the authorities have been spreading (official) misinformation all this time:

The Incidence of Myocarditis and Pericarditis in Post COVID-19 Unvaccinated Patients-A Large Population-Based Study

This is no small study either: 197,000 Israeli people who had COVID infections were studied with 591,000 in the control group. The infected people were compared to uninfected people of the same age and sex.

The article concludes: "Our data suggest that there is no increase in the incidence of myocarditis and pericarditis in COVID-19 recovered patients compared to uninfected matched controls."

Even now, the authorities and regular media are stubbornly holding on to their previous stances. CNBC writes:

Myocarditis risk higher after Covid infection than Pfizer or Moderna vaccination, CDC finds

It is no wonder that trust in both government institutions and regular traditional media among the population has been plummeting. This is well-deserved, because they are the biggest source and spreaders of actual medical misinformation, of medical propaganda.

These organizations are rapidly digging their own graves and are doubling down on their approach. Once trust has been lost, it will take a long, long time regain.


Episode 270 of The Highwire. Segment starts around 53m13s.

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