Hells Bells: Pentecost begins & ends on 666. Pride before a Fall, Monkey Pox. Nibiru coming?

2 years ago

(Normal speed version only on Rumble). At the time of the end, up is down and down is up. Kaduri prophecy fulfilled. The Bible speaks of a Fall coming after Pride... So Satan makes it sound like pride is a good thing. The Bible speaks of Pestilence...So Satan makes it sound like his mark will be the only way to survive. The Bible speaks of Fire and a Mountain on Fire falling to earth... So Satan makes it sound like you have no hope. Planet-sized asteroid?!

The Bible tells us that when we see these things, look up for our redemption draweth near. Satan tells you Don't look up. Daniels 70th week about to start.

You have hope in Jesus. You have salvation in Jesus. Jesus is the Way. Follow the path along the Romans road.

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