5 Facts You Won't Believe about Creating a Successful Business Strategy

3 years ago

Five Facts You Won't Believe About Creating A Successful Business Strategy
Success is found in having the vision to make a plan, and the focus to take care of the details.
1. Strategy is More than Setting Goals
A business strategy is about more than just setting goals. I always like to think about New Year's Eve when most of us are setting a lot of goals or resolutions. I call them the "feel bad goals," because within, you know, 14 to 30 days we've left those goals behind, and they're nothing more than a bucket of guilt that we carry around for the rest of the year
2. Big Picture & Detail
Consider that people naturally think one of two ways; either big picture or in the detail. We all have different ways of thinking. Very few people are big-picture thinkers and detail thinkers at the same time, the big picture thinker is mor about the vision--they're thinking about the big goals. The detail person, someone like me which sometimes could be called the "Debbie Downer" is the person that's going to come in behind the visionary and they're going to be the one figuring out how to achieve the vision. You want to have both types of people involved in your strategy.
3. Multiple Plan Checkpoints
It is essential to have a daily, weekly and monthly plan to execute to the goals that you've set. If you haven't reversed engineered every goal so you know exactly what you need to do every day, every week and every month, there is absolutely no way that you are going to be able to achieve those goals.
4. You Must Measure
You must measure, you cannot achieve what you don't measure, so there has to be reporting in place that's very simple. I always suggest to business owners that a simple white board is a great place to keep your goals where everyone can see them. That way you can mark it up every day and people know exactly how far you've come or how far you have to go in reaching your goals.
5. Talk About It Daily
The best thing that you can do in order to achieve the goals that you've set in your business strategy is to talk about them daily. Here's the thing: When we talk about the goals daily it brings them to the forefront of our mind. Our brain only has the ability to focus on a certain amount of information. The daily focus on your business goals opens up the opportunity to achieve them. Your brain is your own personal computer. I like to think of it like one of those Google Homes just in the palm of my hand, and you, you have the ability to train your brain to be thinking about things that you need to have done and to achieve. You can create automatic movement towards those goals when you talk about it every single day.
What steps are you going to take to create your business strategy? Is there something that you've overlooked that you're thinking now I really need to do that.
If you’re a woman business owner or aspiring to be one, and you’re ready to rise up and confidently build your empire check out The Success Club for Women!

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