Moveable, Fixed and Dual signs in astrology

3 years ago

There are 3 types of signs in the zodiac and we each have 4 of each of these in our charts.
MOVEABLE (Cardinal) signs are Aries, Cancer, Libra and Capricorn. These tend to be more action oriented, initiators, ambitious, pioneering, up and down, need variety and change etc. People who have 3 or more planets out of the 7, Sun, Moon, Mars, Mercury, Jupiter, Venus and Saturn (we don’t count the nodes) have more of this energy in their life and can therefore change jobs, homes and relationships more and generally have more experiences. These natives are better off working for themselves once they have learned the ropes of life and business or in a job which has variety and challenges them.
FIXED signs tend to be the backbone of the society as they like an easy life, happy with the status quo, satisfied with life and tend to stay in jobs and relationships for a very long time. These people are a true asset to their employers. The problem arises when there’s a problem as they will stay in a bad job or relationship, instead of dealing with it and can therefore self sabotage by turning to addictions or other outlays like affairs.
DUAL signs are more balanced as the natives can see both sides of the coin and deal with issues as they see fit.
All of the above depends on the condition of the planets.
Apologies for the abrupt ending. The house number of the sign is not that important, more the sign nature itself. House number just shows which house has which energy so you might have 5 planets in your 11th house in Pisces so you deal with them in a dual or balanced manner.

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