🔴 6/3/2022 | A Modern Day Mizpah | Morning Briefing

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On this Friday’s episode of Morning Briefing, we discuss a key figure, Jacob, to look at as we enter into a new wineskin. Seeing how Jacob dealt with Laben by relying upon the Lord to watch over him as Laben tried to prevent Jacob from leaving. We then continue to follow the trade talks between the US and Taiwan. Closing out the week by reviewing comments made from the White House on how they see best to deal with the gun violence occurring in this nation.

Join us as we break down the news of the day to stay focused on our prayer points. #checkouremotionsatthedoor #wehavesoulstosave

Verse of the Day: Genesis 31:48-49 (NASB)
“Laban said, “This heap is a witness between you and me this day.” Therefore it was named Galeed, and Mizpah, for he said, “May the Lord watch between you and me when we are absent one from the other.”
Intercession Points for 6/3:
1. Intercede for the Biden Administration to have the fear of the Lord and listen to the Holy Spirit when dealing with China.
2. Repent for the bloodshed of the innocent and the divisive words from the White House.
3. Intercede for current & future leaders to arise who have the fear of the Lord, understand the times, and seasons we are in. Use wisdom and revelation when making decisions for this nation.
If you have any dreams for the President, please email us at pip@christiancentershreveport.com

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