Don't Believe A Word - Doctor Alex And The Regenerations

1 year ago

Just a trad. Irish folk song I've been meaning to record for years ;) Only kidding, it is one of my favourite Thin Lizzy songs - if not the favourite. But it is true I have meant to try recording it for years :)

This is the extended version, which I "corrected" the tuning for and rendered it in A rather than A flat, and it can be found here:

None of this would have been possible without the Moises app - an app which does what I have been searching for for a while now, it separates the different voices on any recorded track! Which means you can isolate the drums, bass, vocals and other instruments! I am only using the free version at the moment - the paid one allows you to separate more instruments and do songs over five minutes. But make no mistake - this app is truly a-Moise-ing ;) :D And they are not paying me to say this either!

I first used the Moises app when I did the song "Big Big C" here:
which is of course from the classic Deep Purple song "Mary Long", here:
and again, I could not have done it without the drums, courtesy of Moises :)

The other useful app which is worth a mention is the also free Audacity, which allowed me to correct the tuning of the original song, which Moises could then work of to give me just the drums. Also the drums do sound a little like they are being played with brushes when isolated this usually gets covered over pretty well in the mix.

I am almost certainly going to play with this further - although on this song I played everything apart from the drums i.e. vocals, guitar, bass and organ, I can see myself wanting to use drum and bass from some tracks, just because I'd prefer to have a better bass player to play with :D :D

Anyway, I hope this is useful, and hopefully also enjoyable :)

Take care.

Doctor Alex

Did you find the New Year left you lacking something special?
Was Christmas missing that which the Doctor could not cure? Do you feel a void of Time and Space in your life? Has the humdrum brought you so low your Chin is practically on your balls? Then perhaps The Doctor - Seasoned Twelve, Thirteen, Fourteen is for you!
You might view these as parodies, if you like categories. If so, perhaps it might be viewed in the same vein as The Orville in that regard. I certainly have a deep respect for Seth MacFarlane's approach to the problems he faced and the truly stellar solution he produced.
In any event, I invite you to take my series as seriously, or not, as you wish.
Content now appearing on Substack!
The entire series is already available as a novel on Amazon, which might prove a useful Christmas special:
"The Doctor - Seasoned Thirteen"
Episode 1 is here:
The previous series, The Doctor - Seasoned Twelve, is available on Amazon, and free on Youtube!
A very exclusive and rare hardback version is available as the top tier Patreon reward:
My older work is also available on Amazon and on YouTube as The Doctor - Regenerations Past:
Above all, I hope you enjoyed watching.
Take care.
Doctor Alex

With thanks to the Anti-trekker for his support and encouragement:
And thanks also to Doomcock for his ongoing encouragement and support:
And thanks to Mindless Entertainment for her support and encouragement:
And finally, but not leastly to MechaRandom42 for her encouragement and support:
This video was recorded using a Shure Model 5655D mic plugged directly into a Lenovo X201 running Linux Mint 18.2.
Recording and processing of audio performed using Audacity v2.1.2.
Video editing performed using Openshot v1.4.3.
If you would like to support my work financially you can do so via PayPal and if you tell me if and how you want to be known I can give you a credit in the next video :)
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