NFSC Refugee Station update 5/26/2022

2 years ago

Nicolas, representative of the Camp Medyka Management Committee said the New Federal State of China was one of the first on-site in Medyka, and worked with UNICEF, IOM, and the Polish Red Cross as a big family, offering great assistance to refugees and all international relief organizations. He said the volunteers could not get through those cold three months without the coffee from the tent of the New Federal State of China.

梅迪卡营地管理委员会代表Nicholas说新中国联邦是最早来Medyka的救援组织之一。新中国联邦与联合国儿童基金会、国际移民组织、波兰红十字会等组织如同一家人般的合作,对难民和所有国际救援组织提供大力协助。 他还说如果没有新中国联邦这个帐篷的咖啡,救援义工们就无法度过那寒冷的三个月。

NFSC refugee station update from Medyna, Poland 5/26/2022


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