LIST22 – The Fire is Accurate | Finnish Defence Forces Exercise 2022-06-02 #004

2 years ago

The Lightning Strike 22 shooting exercise ended on Thursday afternoon, May 26, 2022, in Rovajärvi, Finland. The director of the exercise, the director of the Army School, Colonel Sami-Antti Takamaa, is satisfied.

- We practiced the use of fire with different weapon systems for 12 days, says Colonel Sami-Antti Takamaa.

- Training has been on the rise. Both the conscripts and the reservists have shown their skills and as the leader of the exercise I can say that the fire has been accurate. The trainers in the different troop departments have done a good job and you can be satisfied after the job.

- Thanks to all the Armed Forces, the Air Force, the Logistics Department, the Defense Forces Command and Control Center, the Border Guard and all partners for your support. Together we have gone through a successful exercise.

- Warriors - you have shown your true colors and you can move to the reserve with confidence in less than three weeks, says Takamaa to the conscripts and women returning in mid-June, for whom the LIST22 exercise was the last major exercise in the conscript service.

About 3,300 people, including about 2,500 conscripts, took part in the Lightning Strike 22 exercise led by the Army School in Rovajärvi on May 16-27, 2022, in addition to reservists and FDF hired personnel, such as cadets.

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