Activate Courage

2 years ago

Of course, the best place to be found in this life, is in followship of Jesus. Being positioned in Christ, our identity wholly-holy in Him, this kind of Christianity has so many benefits for us, as God personally equips us to finish miraculously well. Life can throw some pretty difficult things in our life path, causing us to stumble, and sometimes even causing us to step back, afraid to move forward.

Anxiety can be a very real stumbling block, and paralyzing fear is definitely a road block put up by the enemy of our soul. Courage is such a necessary part of our lives. One of the prevalent cultural lies of our time that keeps us stuck, keeps us from moving forward in courage is that loss is something we should get used to as this culture rot we live in continues to morally decay. Buying into this lie of our enemy, causes us to focus on ourselves. When we take our eyes off of Jesus, we see loss. Loss of friends, loss of freedom, loss of common sense, loss of justice, loss of reputation, loss of finances, loss of goodness, loss of safety, loss of compassion, loss of civility… yes, so much loss. Who are we trusting when all we are seeing is loss?

Why are we shrinking back in fear, doubt and dread? We need to activate our courage. Courage is the ability to press forward even if we are afraid, it is trusting God, and following Him even if we are fearful. Courage that perseveres through the hard times is founded upon trust, and courage activates as we hope wholly-holy in our Way-Maker God. Trust is necessary for courage to be manifested in our soul passion, so our first decision is a choice to activate our faith. What we see may not be so good, but faith sees from a Kingdom perspective, not a worldly viewpoint, and we need to flip-flop our focus from the world to the kingdom of God. We trust God, without having to see everything He is doing, but by believing He is working in the unseen for our good.

We believe God’s purposes are in play in our life, and our faith is activated, as we yield our lives to God. Surrender, in this vital-vertical position, this is where our trust impassions our soul courage, as we stand on the side of truth, surrendered to our God’s way, remaining strong and courageous, and moving forward in followship of Jesus. Everything is not lost. What a lie from the pit of hell. This is not the reality of truth we know. The truth is we gained a forever with Jesus Christ, our Redeemer, and nothing and no one can take this away from us. No one can snatch us out of the hand of God.

On this day, activate your faith, anchor it to Jesus Christ, and don’t let anything shake it as you stand on the side of God’s truth, a reality of truth which prevails the tests and trials of time, and promises a great future in Christ. Our courage is fed by hope, so if it is dark, don’t stop moving froward, don’t stumble in fear, instead, courageously hope in the dark as you are navigated by the Light of Jesus Christ. Watch-Wait-See, our God, our God of Justice will prevail. Dig Deeper:

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