The Time for Political Silence is Over

2 years ago

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Just thirteen years ago, you had health insurance of your own choice that was affordable. The idea that businesses could be shut down by the government and bankrupted was unconscionable. Schools expelling elementary children for getting a pronoun wrong was laughable.

We get the government we allow.

Thirteen years from now, is it inconceivable to think that your 401K and pension will be owned by the government and piecemealed out to everyone in the name of equity and fairness? That all businesses will state-owned? That homeschooling is outlawed and kids as young as two are forced into pre-K?

There are those who don't get behind the right candidates today because they own a business or believe they have to protect their reputation.

"I'd love to endorse you or help you, but I can't. I have to protect my business and my reputation."

From what? That freight train is right in front of us all. No one will be protected from it.

The founders signed the Declaration knowing that it would cost them. But they knew that a lack of freedom was far more costly to them and to the generations who would follow them.

Let's stop pretending that political silence protects anything you've built in this life. Silence and inaction only accelerate the handover of your inalienable rights to those you've allowed to be in control also known as the government. Pretending that you don't hear or see the evil won't make it go away, and not speaking out about it is a cowardice that has no virtue.

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