Motherhood Only Enhances Your Life

2 years ago

"It is a lie that motherhood limits you from achieving your dreams.

Don’t let the usual rhetoric give you any doubts. Motherhood only enhances your life, it doesn’t stand in the way of it.

With each of my four children, I accomplished and achieved more than with the one before. I prospered. I grew. And most importantly, the love in my heart grew beyond bounds I never thought possible.

Who better to share your achievements with than your future generations? Let not the lies sink into your heart, instead, let the Lord do the leading…

This reel is a reaction to all of the lies I’ve been hearing lately from the pro-abort movement, especially with the possible strike down of Roe V. Wade. Ladies, don’t let these people limit you. Don’t let the selfish “me culture” put you in the box of being “incapable.” You can do it because, in Christ, we can do all things!

I am a mother. I am a child of God. I am pro-life."

✍️: @blessed_by_cancer

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