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N scale weekend by Central Ohio Ntrak May 14th-16th 2021

3 years ago

Jerry Sateriale made me aware of an N scale train show this weekend may 14, 15, 16 202. unfortunately I have to work this week end, so I decided to pop on over to Hilliard Ohio and see what I could show you. they were still in the process of setting up, so there were no trains running while I was there. There where many vendors booths reserved but not stocked yet. hope you liked the sneak peek of what the weekend will look like. Be sure to check out Jerry's youtube channel.


Here is the Central Ohio's ntrak page for more info


To support my channel, stop by my stores and buy some "Merch" add to that mug collection.



Or go to my about home page and hit the Paypalme Donation Button and help me out with future Train adventures

Thanks again for stopping by and watching the sneak peek of N scale weekend.