Learn +50 Fruits in Argentinean Spanish. Aprende +50 Frutas y frutos secos en castellano argentino

3 years ago

This lessons contains some of most common fruits found in Argentina, plus some more exotic ones, some non sweet fruits and some dry fruits.

Each word appears with a picture, with a pronunciation in IPA and spoken twice.
All pronunciations belong to the Spanish spoken in the city of Buenos Aires, Argentina

Also you can find subtitles for several languages.

If you want subtitles in your language, or if we missed any translations, let us know in the comments. Also we want to know your ideas for new lessons.

Word Details

f: Feminine
m: Masculine
s: Singular
p: Plural

List of words / Listado de Palabras

00:21 fruta: fruit
00:25 manzana: apple
00:29 banana: banana
00:33 ananá: pineapple
00:37 pera: pear
00:41 kiwi: kiwi fruit
00:45 melón: melon
00:49 naranja: orange
00:53 mandarina: tangerine
00:57 limón: lemon
01:01 lima: lime
01:05 durazno: peach
01:09 damasco: apricot
01:13 ciruela: plum
01:17 melocotón: peach
01:21 frutilla: strawberry
01:25 frambuesa: raspberry
01:29 arándano: cranberry
01:33 arándano azul: blueberry
01:37 arándano rojo: cranberry
01:41 melón dulce: honeydew
01:45 sandía: watermelon
01:49 uva: grape
01:53 cereza: cherry
01:57 guinda: cherry
02:01 mora: mulberry
02:05 zarzamora: blackberry
02:09 coco: coconut
02:13 membrillo: quince
02:17 higo: fig
02:21 mango: mango
02:25 granada: pomegranate
02:29 papaya: papaya
02:33 granadilla: passion fruit
02:37 maracuyá: passion fruit
02:41 dátil: date
02:45 caqui: persimmon
02:49 guayaba: guava
02:53 quinoto: kumquat
02:57 tomate: tomato
03:01 palta: avocado
03:05 lichi: lychee
03:09 durián: durian
03:13 carambola: star fruit
03:17 nuez: walnut
03:21 maní: peanut
03:25 almendra: almond
03:29 avellana: hazelnut
03:33 nuez pecana: pecan
03:37 piñón: pine nut
03:41 nuez de brasil: brazil nut

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