Wow!!! Biden's Approval is at 34%

2 years ago

Joe Biden continues to sink in the polls, as Americans are waking up and smelling the failure. He has Dropped To a most impressive 34% Approval Rating according to a New Civiqs Poll
Do a third of people seriously think he is doing a good job? Where do they find these clowns?
Maybe Biden can drop into the 20s before the midterm elections. That would definitely be the most impressive feat of his entire presidency.

In the same poll in early April, Joe Biden clung to a 38% job approval and was above water in only four states. Of those, Only 3 states gave Biden a majority approval rating. Now, the same survey shows Biden at 34% and above water in only 3 states, of which only Hawaii has him at 50%

The real value in the Civiqs tracking is its state-level numbers. In early April, four states gave Biden an edge in overall approval: Hawaii, Massachusetts , Vermont , and Maryland. Biden also had even splits in California and Rhode Island. Now, only Hawaii remains in Biden’s camp. Apparently, they get their news by slow boat.

According to recent reports, Biden is 'Rattled' By his pathetic Poll Numbers And Angry That his Staff Keeps Correcting His Statements. What is wrong with these people? They should be blaming Putin.

With support only from the bluest of states, the rest of the numbers are shocking.

Biden's approval rating among Independent voters stands at an exhilarating 21%

According to another new report, Biden is having trouble accepting his plunging poll numbers and is quite angry about his staffers rushing to clarify his statements. (no, we aren’t really going to nuke Russia, get back in the basement...)

The other alarming thing about this report is that it comes from a liberal media outlet.

NBC News reports:

that the Biden White House is adrift.

Faced with nationwide catastrophe’s, President Biden is pressing aides for a more compelling message and a sharper strategy while bristling at how they’ve tried to stifle his plain-speaking persona that has long been one of his most potent assets. (I would have said “shocking liabilities”, but those were nbc’s words, not mine!) Back to NBC...

Biden is rattled by his sinking approval ratings and is looking to regain voters’ confidence that he can provide the sure-handed leadership he promised during the campaign, according to those closest to the President.

Disasters have piled up in ways that have at times made the Biden White House look inept: record high inflation, unaffordable gas prices, a rise in Covid case numbers — and now a Texas school massacre that is one more horrific reminder that he has been unable to get Congress to pass legislation to curb gun violence. Democratic leaders are at a loss about how he can revive his prospects by November, when midterm elections may cost him the Senate and the House…(yes, please!)

Amid a rolling series of calamities, Biden’s feeling that he just can’t catch a break. Being President is tough, why didn’t someone tell him? “Biden is frustrated. If it’s not one thing, it’s another,” those pesky Russians...and Trump

In addition to his failed policies, Biden is unhappy about a pattern that has developed inside the West Wing. He makes a clear and succinct statement —(NBC’s words, not mine) and then his aides who aren’t suffering from late stage dementia rush to explain that he actually meant something else.

Maybe that’s because even his clearest statements are generally stupid.

Well, Joe, It’s all falling apart.

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