Canadian Army Major Speaks out

2 years ago

Major Stephen Chledowski speaks out:

- 20+ Years
- Political Science degree
- Several army command positions
- For nearly 2 years our government officials have been using bullying tactics of fear, intimidation, coercion and financial & physical violence against us to gain compliance for certain repeated medical procedures
- We tell our children that bullying is wrong. We know it to be so.
- Yet we allow our leaders to do this to us.
- They have knowingly and repeatedly violated the highest laws of the land.
- Canadians have been lulled into believing that the same government who suppresses your freedoms in the name of safety, will one day just reward you back with your freedoms "if you just comply to ever-changing rules in health orders"
- That folks, is the very definition of TYRANNY. Not democracy, humans are inherently free.
- Kings and queens and government cronies can't give you your human rights.
- They are naturally yours.
- They can't be given. They can't be taken. They can only be suppressed.
- They have knowingly betrayed you and me under the LIE of safety.
- On remembrance day I overheard Premier Higgs & MP Jenica Atwin tell members of the public how special it was that these brave members of the military gave their lives for their freedom. That same freedom that these very liars and deceivers are actively working right now to suppress.
- I stood there - a soldier of nearly 21 years - as a senior officer in the Canadian Army - as a veteran of Afghanistan, participating in Op Medusa, the largest combat operation for Canada since the Korean War, where I watched my own brave comrades fight and get injured and die.
- But I also stood there as a person who hasn't taken the COVID-19 injection.
- The irony.
- So even though I served this country - and it has been an honor to do so - like many thousands of Canadians who choose body autonomy and pro choice, I am unable to share in the same privileges now, like eating at a restaurant, going out in public to an event, or even travelling across provinces to see my child. This is happening to many others.
- These government traitors to freedom are suppressing the rights to the very people they claim to honor, and it made me sick to my stomach.
- I am calling on my military and comrades. All of you. All of us who have sworn a personal oath to protect our family, our friends, and our communities to now stand up and protect your loved ones against this government forced medical tyranny.
- You chose to sever because you wanted to give back to your community, and instead the government has turned your love for community and your loyalty against you.
- And you are now a weapon against the very people you love.
- Brothers and sisters, you can't be for ever changing indiscriminate government measures which use fear and violence and also be for your loved ones or freedom.
- You have to choose.
- I am asking you to choose your family and your community.
- This is why you serve.
- And this is YOUR moment to be a hero for your loved ones.
- They deserve the truth. They deserve to be protected.
- I am also calling on all Canadians to join in solidarity together.
- Freedom and love for our community.
- Freedom to choose who you want to be, where you want to live, what you want to experience and learn, what your spiritualty is and what you want to practice. Who you want to love, what you want to put in your own bodies is the foundation of our democracy in Canada.
- We cannot let freedom die with this generation.
- May God forever bless the free citizens of Canada.

12 Feb 2022: Speech by Canadian Army Major Stephen Chledowski - Freedom Convoy Inspiration

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