3 years ago

Congratulations! You have been baptized in the name of Jesus Christ. If your repentance was genuine and everything was done biblically, you have been placed into the spiritual body of Jesus, by the Holy Spirit. But what exactly happened? And what is next?
The series is for anyone that has been baptized in the name of Jesus and is wondering what comes next. I am doing these series to help give you clarity about what God expects of you now. I will provide some Bible passages to support everything I tell you, and you can still connect with me to ask for clarity if you have questions.
This first video will be an introductory one into the series. In this one, I am simply going to go over what just happened to you. Let's go through a number of scriptures first.
Acts 2:38
Romans 6:4-6
Romans 6:14
1 Corinthians 12:13a
1 Peter 2:9
So what exactly happened?
You heard the gospel of Truth. You believed Jesus died for your sins, you realised you were a condemned sinner and you made a decision to turn away from sin to follow Jesus. Basically, you changed your mind from living life as you liked, as god of your own life, to a life where you acknowledge and obey God. That was the first step. It is called repentance.
Then you got baptized in the name of Jesus Christ immediately. You died and you were buried with Jesus by going underwater in baptism and then you were raised to a new life with Him, as a new creation, when you emerged out of the water. According to the Bible, you were raised to a new life by the Holy Spirit, the same power that raised Jesus from the dead. What this means is that its a supernatural event. It wasn’t just a dip. You don’t need the Holy Spirit for a dip.
Then you received the Holy Spirit as promised by Jesus; the same Spirit that was in Jesus Christ and by which He did all those miracles, and you spoke in tongues as the evidence.
Basically, you repented, you were baptized and received the Holy Spirit.
Acts 2:38
If you were genuinely broken in your heart, needing a saviour, something spiritual should have happened in the water to give you a new birth in the spirit, which is when you are Born Again.
The result of that experience is the following:
You changed kingdoms; from the kingdom of satan to the kingdom of God, and from the kingdom of darkness to the kingdom of light.
You were set free from the power of sin. You are no longer a slave of sin.
You have been placed in the spiritual body of Jesus Christ by the Holy Spirit.
You are now a Priest, part of the Royal priesthood of the most high God.
You are complete in Christ. This means you have all you need to function as a Priest of God. You just need to learn how to function. Pretty much like a baby that has a complete body with hands and feet, but needs to learn to use it.
So you need to be trained to be a competent disciple of Jesus, minister to people and make disciples too. This training is called discipleship. It is a brilliant program that Jesus chose to train his people in a way that He stays in control of each one, they remain equals with no-one being elevated. After training, the disciple can go on their own and be led by the Holy Spirit. It is similar to apprenticeship and starts immediately.
If you were reborn spiritually, many things will change. You will hunger for God’s Word, you will love to go out with experienced disciples and get the opportunity to experience spiritual activity, preaching, healing the sick, baptising in water, ministering the Holy Spirit, setting free by casting out demons, fellowship and so on.

So that’s where you are now. You got baptized into Jesus Christ because you had faith in what you heard Jesus did for you. But faith does not stop there. Faith is actually an action word. Many think faith is about working up confidence mentally, but it is not. Faith is believing God and demonstrating that belief by obeying Him. It is very important that you understand this. The Bible says faith without works is dead. James 2:26. This is why you need to start doing the things that I will share with you in the following FIRST STEPS videos. Remember you are in training, with someone beside you to disciple you. It will feel strange at first, but if you are willing and obedient to Jesus, it will soon become second nature. Everyone goes through this phase. Please check out my channel for videos on discipleship.
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