Mix & Match www.TheSauceBoss.com

2 years ago

Mix & Match!

This is the last of the photo's that we animated from the www.thesauceboss.com website. If it plays a little weird on your phone with the edges clipped off, that's because we've kept them at the same aspect ratio as their website photos. Just tap on the video or turn your phone sideways to see it in all it's glory.

If you visit their site, you will see that they have banner photo's for their sauces that scroll by very quickly, but we wanted to make animated media that would have visitors pause and view with glee the various videos for their products, as well as have enough time to read the descriptions of what it is they could be buying.

And a "mix & match" promotion that comes with a discount is nothing to sneeze at... unless you're a monkey sneezing flames after trying the sauce. 😁

Again, if you've enjoyed the videos for The Sauce Boss.com this week, check out their Facebook page, find out what locations in Utah they will be setting up a booth at, and go get a sample taste. You will want to buy a couple bottles like we did.


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