Some People Are Gullible and Politicians Know it: Mitt Romney is Taking Americans for a Ride

3 years ago

Some people are gullible and politicians know it, they can lead people up the garden path because they do not understand basic economics. So long as people are kept in the dark with regards to the study of economics, politicians can easily lead them on with bait.

I randomly came across this nice innocent individual, Tifani when browsing around and her argument is sadly all too common. A lot of people have been tricked into believing that the United States of America is some sort of a capitalist country today, people don't understand that capitalism is not corporatism and most certainly is not the early stages of corporatism. Whilst Tifani is absolutely right for pointing out that capitalism is important, she doesn't comprehend why American healthcare costs so much.

This leads to a story about Mitt Romney and his $3000 handouts for families acting like Santa Clause. You can see Tifani's eyes light up and sadly, there are a lot of nice innocent people out there like her who do genuinely care but just don't understand. This illustrates why some people are so gullible and the politicians know it, they know they can easily pull the wool over the eyes of people and get away with it.

People don't understand that Mitt Romney is taking Americans for a ride, which is a British way of saying, the American people are going to get absolutely shafted from this. As I've stated many times before, the government cannot give to you without having to take from another first. As if the closure of the pipelines destroying jobs wasn't enough, the Democrats now wish to decimate hard-working people, if not through direct higher taxes, it'll be the higher tax through inflation by continuing running the printing press.

This is the price people pay for not understanding capitalism and why capitalism is the solution to the problem, not the cause of their problems. I have explained in numerous videos before about American healthcare, you can check both videos out below.

*Why American healthcare costs so much:*

*Direct Primary Care:*

You can check out Tifani's original video here, as noted, she seems a nice enough person, just doesn't understand the implications:

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