We should have thinned them sooner....

2 years ago

Strong wind + weak branches + too many tiny Saturn peaches = broken tree. Stan cut off that branch and another one just as weak. Now we have half a tree. So...to prevent more peach tree catastrophes, we spent a lot of time thinning peaches today. Here's what to thin first: any peaches in the V of twigs or branches, any scarred or damaged fruit, any fruit touching other fruit. Peaches hang on tightly--you'll need to twist them and support the twig or you'll pull off more than you choose.
We will need to thin again once they've grown a bit more. Stan also propped up some of the branches with boards--but there are more that need propping up. On the bright side, most of the fruit is very healthy looking--hardly any bites on them. But there are miles to go before we reap...

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