Burnout is it all in YOUR Head?: The Growing New Epidemic Sweeping Across America Part 1

2 years ago

We are living in the era of burnout and it is a real problem and often misunderstood. It seems like no one is immune to it – not even the most successful people in the world. Burnout has become so commonplace that there's even a term for it: "burnout syndrome." So what is this phenomenon, and why is it happening? And more importantly, what can we do about it?

Most people think of burnout as being tired or stressed out, but that's only part of the story. Burnout is actually a physical and emotional response to chronic stress.

Here are some causes of burnout and why it's so common in today's society:

1. The rise of the digital age and constant connection to work
In today's society, the line between work and home has become blurred. With the rise of the digital age, we are constantly connected to our work, and this can lead to burnout. Burnout is a state of mental, physical, and emotional exhaustion. It is caused by chronic stress, and it can have a negative impact on our health and well-being.

The symptoms of burnout include fatigue, irritability, difficulty concentrating, and a loss of interest in work or other activities. Burnout is common in today's society because we are under constant pressure to perform at our best. We are expected to juggle multiple commitments and meet unrealistic deadlines. This can lead to feelings of being overwhelmed, which can contribute to burnout.

If you are experiencing symptoms of burnout, it is important to seek help from a mental health professional. You can also take steps to prevent burnout by learning to manage stress and setting realistic goals.

2. The pressure to succeed and be perfect
Do you ever feel like you're running on empty? That no matter how hard you try, you can't keep up with the demands of your life? If so, you may be experiencing burnout.

It's common in today's society, where the pressure to succeed and be perfect is high. People who are burned out often feel like they're inadequate or unimportant. They may feel hopeless, like no matter what they do, it's not good enough. As a result, they may start to withdraw from their commitments and responsibilities.

Burnout can lead to serious health problems, both physical and mental. Speak to your doctor or a mental health professional if you're experiencing burnout. They can help you identify the causes of your stress and develop a plan to get your life back on track.

3. Lack of control over our lives and working too many hours
It's no secret that people are feeling more stressed out than ever before. In fact, studies have shown that stress levels have been on the rise for the past few decades.

There are a number of factors that contribute to this increase in stress, but one of the most significant is the loss of control over our lives.

We no longer have the autonomy that we once did, and as a result, we often feel like we're just treading water. This can lead to burnout, which is characterized by feelings of exhaustion, cynicism, and apathy. Burnout is incredibly common in today's society, and it's only going to become more prevalent unless we make some changes.

So what can we do to combat this problem? First, we need to create boundaries between work and home. It's important to take breaks and disconnect from our devices when we're not working. Additionally, we need to learn to say 'no' when we're feeling overwhelmed. It's okay to put our own needs first. Finally, we need to find activities that bring us joy and make time for them every week. Taking these steps, can begin to reduce the amount of stress and prevent burnout.

We know how costly burnout can be to our health and productivity, which is why we're Always looking for new ways of preventing it. A good way would be getting a coach who specializes in helping people with this condition because they will have more experience than most when managing their symptoms during periods where stress levels are high due as often happen between jobs or changing environments

This video is part of a playlist titled Burnout: The Growing New Epidemic Sweeping Across America that can be found here: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLHLuW18g78WLI6WzNtVnUqDIAAZp2VgfG

If you’d love a customized strategy based on my 20 years of experience working with people just like you, hop on my calendar at http://meetwithleeann.me

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Video hashtags: #burnout #gritandgrace

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