Moms Can Get Kavanaugh Confirmed

1 year ago

Who would have thought a simple confirmation hearing to "advise and consent" a nominee would turn into such a ridiculous fiasco--or as Senator Kennedy from Louisiana referred to it, an "intergalactic freak show." We were in DC last week. Kimberly Fletcher shares what happened and what we can do to end this debacle. It's time for Moms to rise up, protect and men and boys and get Judge Kavanaugh confirmed! It is paramount they hear from us! Our calls absolutely make a difference!

Here are the Senators to Contact:

Susan Collins (Maine) 202-224-5941
Lisa Murkowski (Alaska) 202-224-6665
Jeff Flake (Arizona) 202-224-4521
Bob Corker (Tennessee) 202-224-3344
Cory Gardner (Colorado) 202-224-6524
Joe Manchin (West Virginia) 202-224-3954
Heidi Heitkamp (North Dakota) 202-224-2043
Jon Tester (Montana) 202-224-2644
Bill Nelson (Florida) 202-224-5274

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