Turn Away from the BIG LIE & The TRUTH Shall Set You Free

1 year ago

This video is on the laws of mind we operate all the time and how we are seeing our judgments. It's all a BIG LIE.
Turn away from the BIG LIE. Inflation soaring, no baby formula, insurrection, cheating, lying deceitfully - lies we tell ourselves generation after generation. These bodies go and while you are here in a body you are to remember who you are and be the mirror image of that here.
God is the Cause & I AM the Effect
Doesn't matter how despicable or awful it is WE can set ourselves FREE by knowing the TRUTH.
GOD is in our hearts. He does not authorize THIS. It is all but an illusion - a BIG FAT LIE.
Be the Christ - Turn within - Forgive - Think of the aspects of God and the law of attraction will bring it to your awareness. It will solve the problems aka lies we tell ourselves.
We individually do not continue living here and it is vain to think so - we live in the hearts and minds of all. Not the name, not the messenger - the message.
All things are possible with God. Turn within, think of life and love, know Divine love is ripping it out of your mind, throwing it up and God shines his light on it and it burns right up. Back to the dustbin it came from.
Hope this helps and blessings to you!
Music - bensound.com
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In the end we all discover there is only One way - Yours.

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