Facing My First Experience With Censorship On YouTube

2 years ago

My YouTube channel was terminated. YouTube claims it was because of nudity and sexual content. It wasn't after I came out being against the Covid-19 jab that YouTube terminated my account. I need all the help I can get to get my YouTube channel back up and running again.

Here is the link to the petition I mentioned in the video: https://www.change.org/p/youtube-channel-terminated-due-to-content-posted-privately-back-in-2016?recruiter=76394894&utm_source=share_petition&utm_medium=facebook&utm_campaign=share_petition&utm_term=us_web_gs_ua_sap_20211101_generic-exact_conversions-sap&recruited_by_id=7bafd6e0-7e7d-11e3-ae7b-7bb9566baa65&utm_content=fht-33520586-en-us%3A6

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