What is Sanctification | Soteriology 4

2 years ago

What is sanctification with reference to salvation, and how does sanctification apply to the Christian life? This is the conclusion of the Soteriology series!
WATCH PART 3 HERE: https://youtu.be/XzIY5uF1clE

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(Tom Cucuzza)
(Jim Scudder)
(Freddie Coile)
(Yankee Arnold)
(Kees Boer)

#whatissanctification #soteriology #sanctification #bibleline #positionalsanctification #progressivesanctification #permanentsanctification #questionandanswer

hi and welcome to bible line i'm your host pastor jesse martinez and today's video is the conclusion of the four part
series on soteriology we just review everything that we've already discussed and then we talk a little bit more about
that sanctification process i really pray that this series has been helpful to you if it has would you reach out and
let us know send us an email questions at biblelineministries.org leave something down in the comments don't
forget to subscribe and we're looking forward to doing more series like these and we appreciate your support by liking
commenting and sharing the video i hope this does a good job in communicating
what the bible says is salvation [Music]
i have an update for you i just as a matter of things happening the way they've happened
i came across a panel and i was listening to some of the videos on this channel i told you about it a couple of
weeks ago almost a million subscribers a huge ministry and i came across
three videos in particular trent sent them to me and they were all talking about
what a person has to know or what they have to receive or what
they have to do to keep or maintain their everlasting life
and i wrote an email that i sent out thursday
because trent reached out to this youtube channel and said hey we'd like to discuss some finer points of your
videos let us know if you have time and and the gentleman wrote back and said hey we're we're willing to chat with you
can you can you summarize what you're saying and i gave him about five different things that i disagreed with him about
and we've covered all of them in this series the first thing i said to him was i don't think that you have the right to
redefine repentance i don't say that to be argumentative but he's saying that repentance is a change of mind that must
lead to a change of action and friends when you look at that word in the greek it does not mean that it must lead to a
change of action now if you think that repent means a turning from something
then that would make sense because we would be able to see the turn in your works and then we could see that you're
remaining in that turned position through the rest of your life you're enduring to the end but that's not how
that word is used and we got down to some other things but one of the points i think it was for out of the five that
i sent to him i said i disagree with you that you say a believer must have fruit
in their life in order to prove that they're saved and he said that he disagrees with my disagreement and you
can see where we're going to be going just rounding around and that's okay i don't dedicate a ton of time to it but i
want him to see this is what he said to me i do not say that a person must persevere to the end if they're a
christian i say they will persevere into the end if they're christian now i don't
i'm not a really smart person when it comes to semantics and things like that
but that pretty much sounds the same because if it's not must then it's will
which means they must hello you know what i'm saying like am i
at fault here but i read that and i thought this is this is beyond just
you know preaching a tagline this this man believes that you as a believer here you are
gonna have works and if you don't then you have a legitimate concern
about your salvation i now have the right to question your salvation the person next to you has the
right to look at your works and question whether you're saved or not but no one really does that you know why
because deep down inside the people who believe that way have zero assurance
the only thing that they are clinging on to is being able to come before the lord and say i did my i believed on jesus and
i did my best folks we have a passage in matthew 7 that describes those individuals and
it's a horrible horrible scene i don't want anyone to be anyone in this ministry or in this
this area to be sitting before the lord saying have we not done many wonderful works
and he'll say depart why because he never knew them salvation is not an ongoing process it's
a one-time positional experience i don't even like using the word experience because that's been hijacked
by the charismatic contemporary music scene right now
but it is it's a one-time positional place and as we wrap up this series we've
talked a lot about the the details of soteriology but i want you to understand that the bible teaches
that salvation happens upon the moment of belief it's a completed process at
the moment of belief you hear me say a lot of things
but i want you to understand we're not saying anything that is contradictory to the bible
if anybody ever came to me and questioned what i teach i would welcome that with my bible
right alongside me and if i were to ever find that something that i was teaching
was out of line with the word i would make the correction because this
is the beginning and the end of it all if we put this secondary
or if we make this something that we just consider when needed we error greatly we error greatly
and i want to encourage you to be aware of these deceptions a lot of what we discussed today
is where i have seen people leave clear ministries because they've heard another pastor say things like this
when there's something as big as god that comes into your life there must be change
or they say things like if you're not willing to give it all up for jesus then
were you ever really his and that plays on people's emotions
emotions are dangerous we all have them jesus had emotions
you have emotions i have emotions it's what we do with that emotion that
will determine our success because i'm sure we've heard great preaching from time to time
and we've heard people give wonderful speeches and we've heard things that are moving and they're convicting but
they're not based in truth but we can't deny how it made us feel we just posted a video on bible line the
question was do i have to feel something to be saved a a gentleman wrote in and said i have put my faith in jesus 100
percent i've i've relied on him i'm getting some support outside
amen let's go a lot of people are in the position of the guy who asked
the question this week and basically he was asking do i have to feel something because i
don't i don't feel anything it's a great question because there's a lot of preachers out there that are
selling you this idea that your christian life is going to be wonderful and you're going to smile all
the time and you'll never run into any problems and as a matter of fact if you support my ministry specifically you'll
never run into any problems you're it'll just be wonderful all the time and your your wealth will grow and your health
will be maintained i wish i was kidding with you this is out there you know it you know it
but here's a man who was tired of the rhetoric he was tired of the deception he was tired of the
the show that has become church and he's getting down to it and saying i don't feel saved
and he answered his question at the end of his question he said do i go by what i feel or by the word of god
and i answered the question saying we go by the word of god and that we have to learn how to do that
okay our nature our flesh nature that is within us combats the truth that is taught in this
word and you may know a bible verse you may have it committed to memory you may have
even heard it all your life but it's a different thing to hear and know it than it is to apply it
and applying it means you're going through a difficult time and you got to start looking at that verse and saying do i believe that
do i believe that this is available for me or am i going to trust in something else outside of myself outside of the word of
god the last word we're going to look at in our series on soteriology this is the fourth and last message in this series
is called sanctification you see it up there on the screen it's a very important word
this is where i think most problems about persevere to the end come up
because we have a misunderstanding of the three tenses of sanctification
that word sanctified we're going to define it today i'm going to butcher some greek for you and you got a front row seat okay i'm
even going to get into some hebrew that i'm going to absolutely slaughter okay and it'll be wonderful but
i'll also give you clear definitions and examples of how this word is used in the scripture we're going to look at our
scripture bank so to speak up here on the screen and again this was made for a small classroom so just bear with us
i've made it as big as i can without going goofy clown shoes mode but uh really as a moment here just to
take a break this uh slideshow has been put together by dr bob gilbert and he teaches this regularly let's give him a
big round of applause for this he does a wonderful job i know he won't admit it but
he he does so many great things for our college and if you've ever had the chance to sit
under his teaching you're just blessed by he just goes by the word and that's so encouraging and
slides like this that were pulled from mark cameron's book and we can find a way to get you the pdf version of that
book which is called bible doctrines it's wonderful it's all bible it's all bible verses for every single point
that's given but this helps people tremendously i can't wait to get this series up on
youtube and see how it performs because i think a lot of people are asking what does it mean to repent how do i know
that i'm really saved and you and i go through these things all the day long but there's so many people that have not
experienced it yet john 17 17 sanctify them through thy
truth thy word is truth first corinthians 1 2 unto the church of god which is at corinth to them that are
sanctified in christ jesus called to be saints with all that in every place call
upon the name of jesus christ both theirs and ours ephesians 1 1 paul
an apostle of jesus christ by the will of god to the saints which are at ephesus and to the faithful in christ
jesus first thessalonians 4 3 and 7 for this is the will of god even your
sanctification that you should abstain from fornication for god hath not called us unto uncleanness but unto holiness
hebrews 2 11 for both he that sanctifieth and they who are sanctified
are all of one for which cause he is not ashamed to call them brethren hebrews 12
14 follow peace with all men and holiness without which no man shall see the lord
first peter 1 2 elect according to the foreknowledge of god the father through sanctification of the spirit unto
obedience and the sprinkling of the blood of jesus christ grace unto you and peace be multiplied this last verse that
we read first peter chapter one and verse two along with ephesians one in verse four are really the the hallmarks
of the calvinistic doctrine they look at this and they see that word elect and they see that word foreknowledge and
they mess it up and say that god and his sovereignty elected those before they
were ever born before they could ever make a decision he put them inside the
body of christ and there are others that he did the opposite before they were ever born before they could ever make a
decision he put them as eternally damned from him now does the bible teach that
we've got to be able to look at it and say no or yes and sanctification will really justification answered that last week
all right let's take a look up here on the screens there are the words sanctification holiness and
saint all come from the same root okay are you ready it's time for greek i put it in red
because it's like i want to get your attention and alert myself that this is the dangerous part okay
hagiasmas okay that's the noun one hagiadzo is the verb and hagias is the adjective
we've got to be able to see every time that this is used what is the proper definition
in the bible i want to pause here for a second and say you do not have to be a greek scholar
to understand these things but it helps if you're able to see the greek word
the strong's concordance which i i use all the time if you have the e-sword bible application it's free for
windows if you're on a apple computer it's one time it's ten dollars but you can go through there and you can add a
mod called kjv plus and it takes all the words in a bible verse and it puts a little hyperlink
underneath them and you can hover over them with your mouse and you can go to the word sanctification or holiness holy or saint
and you can hover over and it will show you this is the greek word and this is what that word means
this is how it's most commonly translated and the further you go down that list it's less
translated that way it's a wonderful tool and what i really enjoy about being able
to see the greek word what it means and how it's used in translation is the very
ancient language itself proves the point of eternal security
there are specific uses of words with endings in the greek language that make it
strong in the case than how it's used and it's wonderfully it's great confidence
because how do you know that i'm not deceiving you well by what the word of god says and the word of god clearly
teaches that our salvation is done upon the moment of belief so now about this sanctification we should be able to see
the definition we should be able to see how it's used most commonly and
what are the cases in which it's not used in that way
sanctification is not number one it is not the betterment of the flesh and this is very important to understand
romans 8 7 says because the carnal mind is enmity against god for it is not
subject to the law of god neither indeed can it be what is this teaching this is teaching
that your flesh that's sitting with you here today and i'm not just talking about your flesh and bone i'm talking
about your flesh nature that is within all of us right now does not and cannot
be at peace with god do you understand what that
what that means that means that there must be something new inside of you to attain that peace
with god this is why when jesus said to nicodemus
you must be born again we have to take note and understand it
is because our first nature can't have peace with god now does that i have a question for you
does that change after you're saved
how many of you have abandoned the flesh nature it is no longer an issue
i can see by all your scowls right now you very much have the flesh nature i'm just kidding i'm joking wonderful to see
all of you [Laughter] no one came to church next week i don't know why i'm not
we all have a flesh nature within us sanctification is not the believer making their flesh better
let me say that again sanctification is not making the believer's flesh nature better
it is walking in the spirit which has been set apart to a purpose i just got way ahead but i couldn't help
leave that undefined that new nature that you and i have is set apart for a purpose
we can walk in that new nature or we can choose to walk in the flesh but the
person who says their it's not that they must persevere it's that they will persevere thinks that you and i are
going to make our flesh better that's not going to happen
you can learn to walk in the spirit or you can continue to be a slave to that which you are dead
you can live in sin you're going to have many consequences there's going to be a loss of joy a loss
of rewards you're going to be causing damage upon yourself and those around you
but you cannot choose to make your flesh better just because well i have the holy spirit now
the very the very function of the holy spirit within you is to help you walk in your spirit
god is a sovereign god but in his sovereignty he has said i'm going to give you free will
free will to believe on me or to reject me if you believe on me now you have a free will to serve me or serve yourself
and some people like to take that and they pull their little magnifying glass out and they say ah there it is a license to sin
that's not what i'm if if eternal security was a license to sin then there would be no corrective
books in the new testament none you'd have things like thank god we can
do what we want when we want with who we want amen to the church of corinth keep it up brothers
that's not that's not what it says yeah i don't even like saying it you know what i'm saying like
someone's going to scrub that and say look what this pastor said wow wow can't believe it
it is not eradication of the sinful nature i can already tell some of the text sizing didn't take so it's it's
really small i apologize for that eradication of the sinful nature that's not what sanctification is we don't go
to church we don't read our bibles we don't pray we don't soul win we don't meditate upon
the word of god to get rid of our sinful flesh you know the number one way to get rid
of your sinful flesh you die
boy it is just all sunshine today at calvary right
you die that's how we get rid of our flesh we've got to learn to live with it and
now we have this new option as believers to walk in the spirit are there christians
who are having a real hard time with their sin nature yes there are
and it is not our job as the better body of christ to take
their heads lovingly and say it's okay and push it further into the mud you'll get there like me
that's not the point the carnal wicked believer needs instruction and correction and support
around them the worst thing you could do to a person struggling with sin is say are you
really saved how does that help them it's a lie
straight from the pit of hell i believe because what it does is it keeps any kind of christian who could be
effective it keeps them totally on the sideline they're not able to do anything for god
because they're just questioning the base things in the first place
many things are spoken of in scripture as being sanctified which have no sinful nature or would still have one you have
the altar described as sanctified mount sinai as sanctified the son of god
sanctified and he had no sin nature the unbelieving husband
the lord god carnal christians i'm not going to go all the way back but
the very introduction in first corinthians says you're sanctified you're called you're
set apart and then we get into chapters four five and six where it's like stop doing these
sexual perversions oh but there the paul was talking to the unsanctified part there
no he wasn't it's a heresy to teach that he was to teach into some unsanctified part of
the church otherwise don't you think the bible would teach that if it's that serious if if sin is as
serious as bringing us back into condemnation back under a place where we had to have a payment applied to our
account don't you think the bible would have one instance where a person lost their salvation
instead you have an abounding references to grace to mercy
to peace with god you remember lot didn't finish so well
okay lot is like the playoff team that goes in with the number one seed
and then loses in the wild card round you know what i'm saying like the packers recently you lost to the 49ers at lambeau field
really anyway
that's how lot finished didn't go so well picked the wrong place
he lost his wife horrible things were done with his daughters yet he's still
described as a righteous man hello what did you see
as a just man did you see he's in heaven no way that's got to be a typo did you see what he did
he did those things in his flesh did it damage him yes
did it damage his family absolutely it vexed his righteous soul
which was righteous which mean uh oh he's still saved
you and i are gonna see brother lot and you know what's great about brother lot right now
he's got no sin nature whatsoever and he'll never have one again i can't wait for that day okay i can't
wait for the day when we get to be with jesus without any sin nature of ourselves
okay we get glimpses of joy here on earth you know i'm sure there are times that you can you can think on right now
where there was pure joy some of the some of the most joyful moments in my life is being able to see somebody that
i'm talking to connect the dots and it's almost like don't hold me to this but
it's almost like you can see a little flash in their eyes where they get saved and i know that doesn't happen but they
understand it so well there's just joy in that moment knowing that you were able to come
alongside somebody and lead them to the savior and they had enough working knowledge there to say i do take god at
his word that jesus did die on the cross for my sins and rose again i believe and you see them understand it and it's a
wonderful thing imagine that feeling over and over and over for all of eternity
but we have a sin nature right now that is vile it's filthy it is absolutely
cursed and against god and we've got to learn to live with it we've got to learn to live with that sin
nature so number one sanctification is not betterment of the flesh nor is it
eradication of the sinful nature nor is it sanctimoniousness
or a second blessing god has many blessings for us saying uh sanctification is not coming
to church in the nicest suit that you can with the best physical appearance
it's not the fake smile it's not the hundreds of thousands of dollars in giving
some people think that's how you get sanctified this is how you keep your salvation well have you seen my
checkbook have you seen the receipts for the checks that i've written if anybody wants to try that hundred thousand
dollar method we're open to do that today we'll help you
in any way if you want to try multiple hundreds of thousands of dollars will see me i'm
totally kidding of course but sanctification is not the outward appearance to man
let me tell you one of the most startling things that jesus said to many of the jewish people who were listening
when he was speaking to the pharisees was you're more concerned about clean hands than you are a clean heart
see because everybody in the religious system looked at the pharisees and said this is it this is the pinnacle of what i must look
like they are my leaders and then jesus
who's working all these miracles and there's something different about him is speaking against them and their
attitude my righteousness has to defeat uh exceed that of the pharisees to get into the
kingdom of god what how how am i gonna do that
it's not just the outward appearance it's not the pressed clothes and the title and that's not sanctification
sanctification it is to be set apart for a purpose i encourage you if you're taking notes to write this down this is
what sanctification is to be set apart for a purpose
unsaved men can separate themselves unto sin i want you to see this it's in
isaiah 66 in verse 17.
isaiah 66 and verse 17. i remember having a discussion with a
with the gentleman on the phone a couple of years ago and when she says there is no reference in the bible to someone
setting themselves apart and this is it
you read the first part and you think oh this sounds good then you read the last part he said this is not good
look what this says in verse 17. they is on page 770
they that sanctify themselves and purify themselves in the garden behind one tree
in the midst eating swine's flesh and the abomination and the mouse
shall be consumed together saith the lord what is this saying that word sanctify
there is being used in this context to say these people
have what's the definition again set themselves apart
for a purpose and the lord's going to consume them because of it
you ever find yourself behind a tree eating a pork sandwich and a mouse looks appetizing you're in trouble you have
set yourself apart in a bad way that was a bad joke
but what is this teaching here that it's not just the lord that sets things apart for a purpose
it's used in most contexts to be that way but this is the actual function to set
apart for a purpose we have those men setting themselves apart to sin those gardens probably were wicked pagan
sites jesus sanctified himself the sabbath was sanctified the old testament words
translated sanctify hollow holy dedicate holiness
and saints are the same root kedash and kodesh and that's that's the end of me
murdering the original language okay those are the hebrew words there
and and that's again a good purpose to understand well okay we see that word hallo or what what does that mean it
means to set it apart for a purpose to hallow the sabbath day okay there was there was a purpose for
that day in which it was to be set apart it's wrong then to take those things and make them a requirement of salvation do
you see that you see how that's an error look at look at these three aspects here
and if you haven't started taking notes this is the place to take it positional the first part of our setting apart for
a purpose is upon the moment of belief where we are positionally
we are sanctified the very moment we believe first corinthians 6 11.
i just answered a video on bible line where we recorded one on galatians 5 20-21
it goes hand in hand with first corinthians 6 11. the few verses before that we have a
list of all the things that the flesh does and then there's a statement that's concerning and it says
the people who do these things the of their flesh will not enter into the kingdom of god now the alarm bells go
off because you and i do those things whether we want to admit it or not
even the pastors that teach that i've never done such things well if you have some thoughts that are inappropriate
welcome to the club of sinners you're here first corinthians 6 11 then goes on to
say it's talking about the new birth the process that happened upon the moment of
belief what does it say and such were some of you that doesn't mean we're in that they
stopped doing those things it means were in that they only had those things because they had their flesh
but look at the wonderful truth that is given in the rest of this verse but you are washed
there's nothing better than getting a stain out of a shirt or or cleaning your body after a rough day of work and
you're clean okay it is the same wonderful application of truth in our salvation
god looks upon us and sees us declared righteous amen
it's a wonderful truth yet we still have our sinful flesh
we're talking about the positional setting apart for a purpose you are set apart for a purpose sanctified whoops
sorry but ye are justified in the name of the lord jesus and by the spirit of our god
so not only are we set apart we're fully declared righteous and now we have this new
birth in which we can go out and do great things for god
man if these things were not true i would not be a pastor i'll tell you right now
if these things were not true i wouldn't be a christian
i know how i am you know how you are isn't it great to know that god did it
all for you and said it was done love it
there's nothing better nothing sweeter second thessalonians 2 13 there's
another wonderful verse but we are bound to give thanks always to god for you brethren beloved of the lord because god
hath from the beginning chosen you to salvation through sanctification of the spirit and belief of the truth now
someone will say jesse you've been telling us the whole time that god does not choose and this verse clearly says hang on
what's this right here belief of the truth i believe that god and i believe the
scripture teaches this he looked down the scope of time and he said all of you that will choose to believe
you're going to get these things and that's how he could know from the beginning of the world who's saved and who's not but he didn't do the same he
didn't make those people saved and make them lost but look at the wonderful thing here we
are set apart for a purpose of the spirit you realize there's all this superhero
stuff going on you know iron man he's got the big thing in his chest he's like just like blasting things away and all
this stuff and the hulk's got this rage inside of him and all this superman's got his eyes of lasers and
all that you and i have the holy spirit
where's my cape you know what i'm saying why are we not looking at that as
something wonderful and marvelous you have the holy spirit residing in you
and you're going to have them until the day you die he seals you
he helps you you can choose to be filled with the spirit which is not flopping around
like a fish out of water that's a different kind of spirit you don't want to be filled with that
none of that was happening in the in the uh the the church and in acts
you can understand the scripture because of the holy spirit you can bring joy to the holy spirit you
can grieve the holy spirit
so many times we just we go right back to our flesh it's like you know the beginning of every year you know i'm saying you write
down a list like well these pants used to fit a couple years ago before i donate them i'm going to
make this really big promise you know and then come march you're like why did
i keep these pants now you're just looking into yourself and i think christians do the same thing
we look at the problems in our lives and we look to us oh well it's more commitment on my end
or it's less of this uh recreational activity or whatever it is
no it's more of leaning into the spirit he can do the work
it might be a little bit of a sore process if you understand i'm saying but the knots will be worked out
wonderful truths that are laid right here number two is practical now here's where
the rubber meets the road this is where when people misunderstand they say oh they're not they're not it's not that they must it's that they will
then you know in the email he said you're gonna have to explain that to me and i'm like you're gonna have to explain that to me
i don't understand what you just said and if this is how we're counseling people no wonder people are saying
christians don't know what's going on we've got to know what the word says practical
the practical setting apart of ourselves for a purpose a saint should grow in sanctification
second corinthians 7 1 having therefore these promises dearly beloved let us cleanse ourselves from all filthiness of
the flesh and spirit perfecting holiness in the fear of god look at the first part of that verse
let us cleanse ourself from all filthiness of the flesh and the spirit
whoa what is this saying what's being said in this verse here the effect of sin continual sin
let's use the word that they use the license to sin when you use that in your lives in that
way you're dirtying yourselves you're damaging not only what is already
damaged and cursed your flesh but you are quenching the spirit it's going to be harder for you to grow
if you're mired in sin this is why we preach heavily against sin
i don't know why so many people like to look at for by grace are you saved through faith but not of yourselves it
is the gift of god not of works as any man should boast i don't like when people take that verse and say but
you will have this and are there are there some really bad
christians in the world yes there are and i'm not talking about they just like you know we're talking about marginal
sin we're talking about they they do great damage to the society that they're in
horrible wicked things it does damage to themselves to their spirit doesn't make them unsavable it
just makes them it stunts their growth you know i don't want you guys to to have stunted growth in your faith
the way you avoid that is you got to get rid of the sin should a believer live in sin no
they shouldn't and this is the part the practical part our state
you can have believers that are not committed to the lord they are still believers they're just
not effective second peter 3 18. well actually uh real
quick finishing this part here perfecting holiness making complete the holiness
why is it doing that it's taking all my the wind out of myself you know what i'm saying
perfecting holiness in the fear of god the reason why we should be
keeping ourselves away from being filthy in the flesh is because we have an opportunity to perfect upon our state
becoming more and more disciplined and if you don't you should fear god
because he's going to correct you and a lot of people like to take hebrews 12 and say well if there's no evidence
of correction then they're not really a believer you're not going to know how someone's being chastened
you know what i may see somebody's chastening made complete at the judgment seat of christ when they have little to
no rewards left to give him it's not for me to say i am here to
check god's discipline in your life everyone line up right here and i'm going to check you tell me all your sin
you tell me how you feel about it and i will be the one to tell you if you are saved or
not sounds familiar sounds like there's almost like booths
for that this is where the humor fades and this is a reality folks
this is the catholic church that i'm talking about right here where is that in the bible
you got your mortal sins and your venial sins and all of them have a price
i'll never forget a girl came to ranch years ago her name was allison raised in a christian school
excuse me raised in a catholic school she remembers walking in the heat of the day on that track
counting her rosary beads and then she finally understood what it meant that jesus paid for all of her sin
that she ever did or ever will do and she put her faith in christ and the burden she felt lifted
she had to be 14 15 years old praise god she understood it at that age amen
because there's so many people that are driving down hillsboro they're looking at the catholic church right down the street and they're checking what time they're open for confession
you can get right with god right now put the message aside and you can become
a believer right now by simply putting your faith in jesus christ death burial and resurrection for
the full payment of your sin you experience in that moment the first point here
you're now standing in christ permanently that's not going to change
you have now the opportunity for the practical growth
second peter 3 18 but grow in grace and in the knowledge of our lord and savior jesus christ to him be glory both now
and forever amen that's the way to end a book you ever read read second peter you're like whoa what's going on in
chapter two there's a lot of stuff there in chapter two easily understood when you understand
the gospel but this this last this closing line here is to say we should be growing in grace
and in our knowledge of of our lord and savior jesus christ you've got to continue to apply yourself
and grow and grow and grow the more you grow your sin
is going to be less now that's not a a definitive statement it's just natural
the more you walk in the spirit the less you're going to be walking in the flesh you can't do both things
okay and people are doing that they're slipping on their church shoes today everything looks good sounds good smells
good they go home and it's a mess it's a mess
we've got we've got to make sure that we understand the saint should grow practically
we're set apart to grow we're not supposed to be of this world yes we're in it but we're
not supposed to be just like it we're supposed to grow we're set apart for a purpose what is that purpose to
bring praise honor and glory to him you know the more disciplined your life is the easier it's going to be the soul
win i'm not saying you're going to win every person
but it's it's going to be easier than if you're just in your flesh all the time you won't have those desires
every believer is a saint congratulations isn't that cool
we should all change our profile pictures to the little saint picture little hat that the saints wear
and change our name to jesse martinez comma saint i would be so interested to see what
would happen with with my friends on facebook they'd be like congrats thought you were a christian though i'll be honest with you
you're a sane but some believers do not act like saints
say it ain't so you mean to tell me that there are believers that can choose to disobey god
and they're still saved impossible don't you know we're all machines after salvation programmed to do everything correctly
i'm mocking but that's that's the logic that comes out of people
i see videos titled you might not be saved if you're doing this and then the video has ten things
they say if you don't believe that life is in the you know uh if if you are pro-abortion you might not
be saved now i'm pro-life
i'm not making any qualms about that i think that baby's a baby even when it's real little amen
that has nothing to do with my salvation and you can't find a verse to prove it
you can find a verse that you can soften up and twist around into this pretzel and make it the appearance of something
but that's not in the bible why then are there videos being made with that point because people don't understand the
practical element of our of our sanctification every believer is a saint but some
believers do not act like saints a saint should grow in grace
oh sorry more verses john 17 17 sanctify them through thy truth thy word is truth
this is why when we go to summer camps we have kids memorize the word of god
when we go to summer camps we teach the word of god when students come to bible college they learn the word of god when
you come out of bible college you teach the word of god when you have a funeral or a wedding you have the word of god
this is how we are this is how we grow you can't grow without the word
you leave the word out your growth stops i've seen it people come out of bible
college and they're good for a couple of years and then they just peter away they're gone
why they got away from this they stopped applying this well don't
you know i did four years of that i've done my time was it a jail sentence did you go to college and oh
another studying of god's word the burden is so heavy if that's our attitude you might as well
just drop out what's the point you heard when warren was praying and
doesn't one do an excellent job opening us in prayer every week thank you warren
you heard when warren was praying about the wonderful blessing that has come to me and kyle in
this opportunity to adopt can't wait you know what i'm so excited about and and some of you i've already
told this i can't wait to take what the bible says about raising a child and apply it
that's what i'm most excited about and some of you may be like what they
you know yes they're cute and yes they're going to grow up and we'll have an opportunity with them for the for i
pray for a very very long time but i want to be real honest with you and that i can't wait
to apply the word of god in a new way i've been doing that all my all of my
christian life since i got real serious about serving the lord in 2011
taking this word and applying it i've seen wonderful blessings and i know you have too the more that you learn and
grow the more you can see he is faithful in every area but now we have to get to
have this little child and we're not matched yet please pray for us there's a birth mom out there somewhere that's looking for a
family it gives me chills to think that our little one is in somebody's stomach right now it's just amazing
i can't wait to take what the lord says and apply it
that's love it's not love to say well i don't want to offend them so i'm just going to take
the word of god out no apply the word of god lovingly and you've got to know that you've got
to know how to you've got to know the word in in order to apply it second corinthians 3 18 but we all with
open face beholding as in a glass the glory of the lord are changed into the same image from glory to glory even as
by the spirit of the lord we are there there there's no question about it you and i are going to be like him and
there's a lynch pin verse that's coming up here that i want you to pay attention to it's
not this one first thessalonians 4 3 for this is the will of god even your sanctification that you should abstain
from fornication why do we abstain from fornication because it damages our
our practical state if you're going around doing everything
wrong and getting into a lot of sexual sin you're hurting yourself
and why would you want to do that considering that you're going to be like the lord one day
hebrews 2 10 for the verily for for they verily for a few days chastened us after
their own pleasure we're talking about fathers that have physically corrected their children but he god for our
prophet that we might be partakers of his holiness
god does not discipline you out of anger he disciplines you out of love for a purpose so that you can get right here
in the practical state while a believer lives here's a note on the screen here he has the old nature of
the flesh still in him we've talked about that at length god disciplines us by his grace he does
not take away his grace in the disciplining process
and then we have our final one and this is the one that you and i we're moving towards amen we're excited
about this and this is the one when we hear that trumpet or we kick the bucket
and we're going to be with him forever this is our eternity this occurs when we see the lord 1st
john 3 2. now first john 3 2 is not on the screen but i want you to look at it
first john chapter 3.
look in verse 2 beloved brothers sisters in christ
now are we the sons of god isn't that wonderful
we're in the family right now believers and it does not yet appear
what we shall be but we know
this is the same word that's used in first john 5 13. you may know that you have eternal life
but what else can we know church we shall know but we know that
when he shall appear we shall be like him for we shall see him
as he is what does that teach one day you and i are going to stand
before the lord in a perfect and righteous eternal state and that will never change
isn't that wonderful this is why i don't think the judgment seat of christ is going to be
a whipping stand i don't think the judgment seat of christ is going to be a place where
jesus finally takes out some pent-up anger against you and me i don't that's not that's not the jesus
of the bible god's wrath was sufficiently poured out on his son and the payment was made the
judgment seat of christ is an opportunity for jesus to reward our deeds here now what does it mean our
deeds here what does it mean uh you've got gold silver precious stone wood hand stubble what is all that this is all a
part of your practical sanctification when you give the gospel
when you pray when you lean on the lord these things you'll be rewarded for them service
these things all have their reward but isn't first john 3 2 a wonderful verse
look there in verse 9 whosoever is born of god doth not commit sin for his seed remaineth in him and he
cannot sin because he is born of god now we know this ain't talking about the old nature you
this is talking about that new nature you this is how we can know that we are the sons of god
and it doesn't appear what we're gonna be yet right now but we know when we see
him we're gonna be like him oh i love it first thessalonians 3 12-13
up here on the screen and the lord make you to increase and abound in love one toward another and to and toward all men
even as we do toward you to the end he may establish your hearts unblameable in holiness before god even
our father at the coming of our lord jesus christ with all his saints
why should we love one another why should we be kind one to another because there's going to be a day where we're going to do that anyway
we'll be on as it says here unblamable in holiness before god this is why also i think in
heaven there's not going to be any jealousy i've heard that taught before and it just always rubbed me the wrong way
that there's going to be some in heaven that are just so much better and we're going to look and say oh i wish i wish
really i don't think that's true
you know i the only thing that matters about heaven is that we're there amen and that we're with the lord
i'm not going to be walking through eternity going i should have gone to that men's breakfast
i knew they were pulling trees and i didn't go such were some of you i'm just kidding
i'm joking it's getting hot
that's not how it's going to go i wish i would have gone to bible college you know but hey if you got the opportunity you
should do those things when we get to heaven unblameable
isn't this wonderful i think this is just magnificent it's it's really good
motivation for service all right we're wrapping up here conditions of sanctification on the
divine side to the father belongs everything you have exodus 13 2 sanctify
unto me all the firstborn whatsoever openeth the womb among the children of israel both man and beast it is mine
through jesus and his blood hebrews 13 12 wherefore jesus also that
he might sanctify the people with his own blood suffered without the gate
by the agency of the holy spirit second thessalonians 2 13 but we are bound to give thanks always
to you brethren beloved of the lord because god hath from the beginning chosen you to salvation through the
setting apart of the spirit and belief of the truth for positional sanctification on our
side okay so here's us we saw the things that god said he would do
this is what you and i should be willing to do for positional sanctification and if you remember that
positional sanctification is upon the moment of belief look what it says here only faith in christ and his
work of redemption this is how you experience the setting apart that happens at the moment of belief you
simply believe first corinthians 1 30 but of him are ye
in christ jesus who of god has made unto us wisdom and righteousness and sanctification
and redemption we are of we are in him
the moment that we believe that doesn't change for practical sanctification as we walk
remember what we talked about this this is our walk with the lord which can have highs and lows
doesn't inform our positional but it doesn't inform our quality of
life here how do we what are the conditions for us
in order to experience a full practical sanctification study of and obedience to the word of
god now ye are clean through the word which i have spoken unto you john 15 3
ephesians 5 26 that he might sanctify and cleanse it with the washing of water
by the word psalms 119 and verse 9. wherewithal shall a young man cleanse his way by
taking heed thereto according to thy word so all the music that we sing
should be teaching the word of god there are still people that don't
understand why i take a hard line on music it's because people are a hook line and sinker
they're putting music as a part of their practical uh practical sanctification
well i listened to this and i listened to that and i went to this concert and i felt this and i felt that okay i'm not
going to say those things are bad because i don't know exactly but i'll tell you this how much of your bible
have you studied i'm like well i don't have time for that i'm going to the concerts
you see what i'm saying there's the issue and people like to look at
even even you and me who take that line and say study the bible study the bible say oh there's more things in the bible
don't you know our experiences are important too yeah our experiences are important
to line up with the word of god you can have some experiences that are ungodly
and you've got to be careful if you don't know the word guess what you're not you're going to be tossed to
and fro you've got to know the word
the entrance of thy words giveth light it giveth understanding unto the simple you ever looking for a light switch
you know what i'm saying what seems to find you before your hand finds that light switch the foot of the sofa every
time it finds you and it bites hard we want the light
yieldedness now i like this word i like how it sounds
i'll tell you how i failed my first driver's test i went to laeto high school
i took the driver's test i had to be a sophomore is the only sophomore that failed
do you know why i didn't understand the purpose of the word yield
i did not yield before oncoming traffic and i heard i heard this
what i heard the little and i'm like he's gonna i did so well he's gonna
record the day in which i did these things for his memories and for his children
but then i heard welp welp i don't know what that word is but
i've never heard it in a good way will you marry me welp
how'd it go at the job interview welp how'd i do on my driver's test
well you failed i was the only one in my sophomore class
i had to wait until the next year here i am as a junior with the
sophomores i was already a wise fool that's what sophomore means i'm a junior now
anyway what does it have to do with this word yieldedness this is all about you
bending that stiff neck being willing to submit
this is the heart this is the hardest thing for people to do this is why i feel like church attendance is is so difficult because
you have a nature within you that says no
i don't want to this is what leaves a track in the pocket
stubbornness you ever dealt with somebody stubborn oh all the wives just crying out not
scared yieldedness this is looking at the lord and saying
not my will but thine i'll do it and it's doing it with a good attitude
you ever dealt with somebody that all of a sudden their shoes became very heavy as you were telling them what to do
they're stomping about the shoulders are extremely tense the face is contorted they're obeying
but what good is it you know what i'm saying that's not yielding this
the bible says it enjoys a cheerful giver that means when you're throwing the
money in the plate or you're giving it should be out of a joyful heart not a you know
i just fixed a water heater i give my 10 you know what i'm saying
the attitude is really important i saw this sign in third grade miss hamilton i'm pretty sure she might have been a
russian spy but i'm not sure but i remember she had a little poster
on the top of her whiteboard that said attitude determines altitude
and at the time i'm like you know but now i'm like how true you
are russian spy miss hamilton i'm just kidding but how true that statement is
the quality of your walk with the lord is going to be better the more yielded you are to him
and there's no one else that you'd rather be yielded to he's not going to deceive you he's not going to trick you he's not going to treat you unfairly
there's no unrighteousness within him there's no sin nature within him and all he's asking you to do is to trust him
and submit to him you can do that
but what do we have within us that stubborn flesh nature
romans 6 19 i speak after the manner of men because of the infirmity of your flesh for as ye have yielded your
members servants to uncleanness and to awake uh and to iniquity unto iniquity even so now yield your members servants
to righteousness unto holiness and then we have chastening
hebrews 12 6 for whom the lord loveth he chasteneth raise your hand if the lord loves you
and i'm going to park that car right there that's a good time to say welp
hebrews 12 11 now no chastening for the present seems to be joyous but grievous nevertheless afterward it yielded the
peaceable fruit of righteousness unto them which are exercised thereby when you come out of that trial when you come out of that
tribulation if you've yielded to the lord it's going to be sweet even while you're in it you'll be able
to enjoy that peace recap and then we'll close i know we're we're running right right up against the
clock positional the work of christ for the believer which sets him apart for god
practical the work of god in the believer through the spirit and the word which changes
him into the image of christ progressively and the final the work of god which perfects the
believer in the likeness of christ by his appearing in glory and this is where you and i are right now
this already happened we're waiting for this so we ought we ought to be disciplined
for this isn't it wonderful to see how simple
that is you can close your bibles we can go
ahead and turn the lights up okay i'll show you one more time yes i know
like yes we love this slide well
i'm telling you what there's there's really no greater joy i get
than to be able to teach god's word because i know i i see emails and get
things from people and and even just talking to you guys this is this is what it's all about
we've got so many great things available to us in our salvation
i want to illustrate to you the most important news in all the world maybe you're here with us for the first time or maybe you
haven't been in a long time but maybe you've been questioning maybe you heard some teaching here that goes oh that goes against what i've been taught and
what i actually have been living this hand represents you and me
my wallet will represent sin i'm going to put this on top of my hand because for all of sin and come short of the
glory of god god he loves us he hates our sin because our sin separates us from him in order
to get to heaven you have to be perfect just like god and we all fall short
the bible says the wages of sin is death if we were to die with our sin we'd have to go and spend an eternity from god
for uh forever away from god in a literal fire burning hell
god does not want that for you and me he loves you it's the sin that he hates
if i'm going to let this little piece of paper here with all this scribbling on it represent all the good things you could ever do
you cannot take your sin and offer your works as an exchange for it the wages of sin is what church it's death
we're not saved by any kind of work of our own this hand represents jesus christ fully god and fully man and 2 000
years ago for god so loved the world that's you and me that he gave his only
begotten son that's jesus christ that whosoever believeth in him should not
perish but have everlasting life this right here is point number one of our of
our message this is the positional sanctification you believed he sets you apart now
you have eternal life the practical part of our sanctification is
growing in him yielding our members to righteousness then we have the final one which was
taught right here this is how god sees you and me now declared righteous
not all the stuff before and then oh he got saved and that's when he got fully
declared righteous and if you're here today you can have that in your life right now
you might not feel different it might not change anything about the conditions of your physical life
but you can be born again right here in this place i encourage you right where you're sitting would you put your faith in jesus christ and in him alone for the
full payment of your sin the moment you do the bible says you're sealed that'll never change and for those
christians who have already put their faith in the lord will you continue to yield to him
in your life to abandon the things of the flesh and walk in the spirit
and know one day we will be like him amen let's go to the lord in prayer please
heads are bowed and eyes are closed nobody looking around just for the the privacy here in a baptist church
normally this is where we'd be asking you to come to the altar but we don't do that here primarily because it it puts a condition
on something you can get saved right where you're sitting is there anyone at all today
that wants to get saved would you just put your faith in jesus christ
rely on him that he paid for all of your sin past president future the moment that you do that even right here in this
moment you're saved is there anyone at all by a raised hand i'm just asking for a raise
a hand so that i can pray for you is there anyone at all that says pastor today i got saved would you pray for me
anyone at all before we close hands without knives are still closed i know we're overtime
folks how's our practical sanctification how's our yieldedness are we walking with him or have we
hardened and stiffened our position in the flesh i want to encourage you
to keep walking with the lord keep studying and obeying his word be open to his correction in your life
but if you're walking away from the lord right now you need to get back with him i'm going
to pray for those who are struggling in their walk pray for
us a better quality of fellowship with him and for those of you who are walking well with the lord i'm going to pray for your encouragement
father thank you for the gospel message we pray for those here today that are
they're struggling they've got a root of bitterness or they just have some expectations that were
not met and they're they're walking away from you lord we know that they're always going to be your children
but i pray that they would soften their heart and yield to you for those who are already yielding
we pray for their continued encouragement thank you for the holy spirit thank you for the word of god and thank you for
jesus death burial and resurrection lord we pray he comes back today but if not i pray we would be found
faithful in the time remaining in jesus name we pray amen

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