How did Canadians Become Racist?

2 years ago

We first released this March 7, 2020. It was 2 years ahead of its time for people to understand its significance. I think we are there now.

Your nation has declared war on you. The funded organizations spoken of here are real, they are dangerous, they are big business, in Canada and they determine the chaos. They also have influence right to the top levels of government. You as Canadians have all been deceived, conspired against and stolen from under false pretences and front companies.

If you didn't understand the power of this radical Socialist left wing assault on Canada and that they, along with NGO's actually have a large role in the current destabilization of Canada, you will understand after this live stream release.

The evidence and court documents we will reveal in this live commentary documentary are going to create a Social Marxist backlash of epic proportions. They will throw everything in their evil repertoire at us to silence us, but the truth, and the facts must be known. They have declared war on you, on Canada and all of its honest hard working citizens in the name of profit.

We are doing this to make sure you all have a chance to see it and get it out before we get silenced. Stay tuned folks, this will be a huge exoneration for you, and shed light on the collusion and conspiracy that has had such a horrid impact on you all, not to mention the impending destruction of Canada.

Audio track: Navajo Night by Audionautix is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution license


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