Getting Called Out By A Former Employee | Ep.19 Settle Down Podcast

2 years ago

I have talked a lot about “not caring” what other people think of me and while not entirely true, I do strive everyday to be as self confident as I can and believe I’m working toward something greater. Having said that, I feel it is important to own your mistakes and be able to have a reasonable, ration, and constructive conversation with your peers when it comes to your mistakes.

Dan is a perfect example of someone who is not afraid to “tell it like it is”. We have worked together on a multitude of projects over the last few years and he has no problem telling me exactly how his experiences were. Dan is a brilliant filmmaker, incredibly hardworking and creative, and is easily one of the best friends I’ve ever had.

Do you have friends that hold you accountable when you mess up? Let us know in the comments.

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And be sure to tune in every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday at 12pm EST for more of the Settle Down Podcast!

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