We Gave It All to China!

3 years ago

Link for Shanghai video: https://youtu.be/fWOvVF7RpIc

Welcome to the show everyone. Today we are talking on the subject of China. Those of you who have been watching the channel for a while will know that I was living in China not too long ago, so I consider myself to be somewhat knowledgeable on the subject. Now this may come as something of a shock, but China is not the place you see in the pictures with the people riding around on bicycles anymore. Its not Mao’s China. A lot has been said lately about civil wars here in America, and possible wars with China. I want to go ahead and tell you that the civil war in America already happened, and freedom lost a long time ago. Thats right, if you are watching this channel, and any other channel calling for freedom of speech, you are part of the rebel underground. Just thought I might throw that out there, you rebel scum.

China is another thing entirely. As I said, it is not the place with people in communist jumpsuits riding around on bicycles anymore. When we talk about our jobs and money going overseas, and trying to counter that, its just like that civil war, its already too late. We are up against a juggernaut. To understand this, you have to see it. Shanghai for example has around 30 million people. The official number if you look it up is 24.28 million. Shanghai is just one of many super cities. I can list a handful off the top of my head. Beijing, Tianjin, ChongQing, GuangZhou, ShenZhen, and I could go on. I also want to point out that these aren’t slummy run down shack cities either.

Hopefully you went and watched the video through. That is what Shanghai looks like. They didn’t dress it up using editing software. I think its important to see that in order to understand what has been lost over the last several decades. I say lost, but I should say it was stolen from you. It wasn’t stolen by the Chinese, it was stolen by greedy industry leaders, wall street executives, and our political class. We sent them to Washington Wto represent us, and they gave away the farm. That glimmering skyline that extends past the horizon is built on your stolen dreams.

I have been to New York, I have been to Chicago and Houston. I lived in Dallas, and spent two years living in the Los Angeles area. I can tell you after living in China for years that we have nothing like Shanghai or GuangZhou or any of the other cities I mentioned. Our cities stopped growing like that in the 80s, and theirs started. When you see those glimmering skylines, you should be turning your gaze toward Wall Street and Washington and asking “why?”.

When I see that, and then I see the crumbling state of American cities, I think to myself “what hope do we have?”. How can we hope to compete with something like that? I used to believe we had the advantage because we had freedom. Now it is painfully clear that freedom is dead. That too has been given away, given away by each of us for supporting things like the patriot act, and every other power grab that came after it. I am going to say this now, REPEAL THE PATRIOT ACT! REPEAL EVERYTHING THAT CAME AFTER IT! REPEAL THE SECURITY STATE! Its time to take our freedom back. If we don’t have freedom here, we really have nothing. The Chinese can do corruption better than we can, they can do totalitarianism better than we can, they can use their people as pawns better than we can. We cannot hope to compete on their home turf.

I want to say this as well. The Chinese deserve to have glimmering incredible cities, but they deserve to have freedom as well. We are supposed to be the glimmering beacon of freedom in the world, and we have let that light go out. We didn’t just fail ourselves, we failed the Chinese people living in those endless cities. We need to take back our freedom for the sake of the entire world.

It sickens me that I left all of that behind thinking I was coming back to a country where free speech was sacred. I feel like such a fool when I hear calls for “deprogramming” of political opponents. Wake up to what is happening before it really is too late. Wake up to what these greedy people have taken from you. Wake up and see how your rights have been trampled. Wake up America!

How many people have died at the alter of freedom? Their souls must be screaming from the grave for justice after what has happened here. Everything they spilled their blood for has been thrown away like trash. This is worse than what is happening with the GameStop rebellion, or the presidential election. I don’t want to be among the first generations to see the beginning of a new dark age.

This is the last call for freedom.

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