2 years ago

MIRRORS, TRIGGERS AND EGO'S is the 2nd in my Soul Self-Help series that I created, beginning in March of 2021. I experienced what One might call an epiphany, or a Spiritual Awakening.
I consider this as my life's work. The discovery of the TRUTH and the contradictions that we all experience within this 3D world. Within each of us lies the TRUTH, which I believe is written upon our hearts before we incarnate here. The journey we choose to take towards enlightenment, or not, is the manifestation of our freewill. Our choices. That includes all of the Souls that will "mirror" us into "triggering" our "ego's", in order to present us with the series of choices and the resulting consequences to our actions. Whether they are conceived as "good" or "bad", they are all experiences that our Soul's crave and are destined to experience.
Please understand that my early videos were created "on the fly", and I, by no means consider myself a professional, just a novice creator with a passion for this genre and all Soul's health and wellbeing.
Please be kind about any and all technical issues. The messages within are solid in my opinion.
My intention is that ALL the Souls that will benefit from these "Soul hacks", as perceived from my perspective, will find their way to this and any of my other videos that will assist them on their journey.

Any questions, or personal queries, may be directed to tjsway222@gmail.com.

The original videos, in unedited form, may be seen on the original channel that they were uploaded on:

Thank you for visiting my channel!
Have a fantastic Ascension!!
Tracey J. Williams-Walker

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