Is the State Your Enemy? Second Thought Doesn't Understand the State Part 1

3 years ago

Is the state your enemy? This was the question asked by Second Thought but doesn't understand the government is not the solution to our problems, it is the problem. Second Thought doesn't understand the state, he thinks the role of the state is somehow to provide for people and has a warped view of public ownership. You can hear his contradiction mentioning about theory and practice when it comes to the role of the state, but doesn't bother to think about the difference between theory and practice when it comes to that of public ownership.

In theory, his socialism may be workers ownership or a government serving the people, but in reality, public ownership is nothing other than government ownership and so long as the government is in charge fixing prices faced with the economic calculation problem, you will never have a government that serves you when it takes ownership of such things like healthcare, education among so many other things.

Scandinavian economies have shown this throughout the years how self-serving the governments have been and they certainly are the utopias that Second Thought would like to have you believe. Everything he speaks of, however, is inconsistent and contradictory. In other videos, he explains how capitalism is the cause of all your ills and that we must overthrow the private sector for a better life, but now points to the Scandanavian countries that have strong private sectors.

In his recent video 'Is the State Your Enemy' he mentions big tech, but he doesn't understand the fact that they are not monopolies, that government is the cause of such problems with why the internet is no longer free market and he also fails to comprehend why oil companies would seek government permission for drilling rights. It should not surprise you, however, that with Second Thought being a socialist he peddles the myth of climate change.

You also have to love the chest-beating from socialists who proclaim to be the champions of everything moral and altruism, they like to paint themselves as the higher beings, the intellectuals, that everyone else are to be pitied for simply not understanding their worldview despite them being the opposite of what they think they are.

There is nothing worse than listening to a socialist bleat off about how 'altruistic' they are, oh, they are never selfish, so they say, but are utterly obsessed with constantly banging off about what the _'rich'_ have. Of course, they are so-called 'altruistic' up to a point, but when it comes to their ideology that comes above everything, they turn the cold shoulder when people suffer the direct consequences of their economic illiterate actions. The minimum wage being a prime example causing soaring unemployment. If that's not selfish, I don't know what is.

Second Thought doesn't understand the state will never serve people so long as you depend upon it and it has nothing to do with profits and you wouldn't classify government theft and violence through taxation as profit, as profit implies an exchange in the marketplace, even still, it is impossible to have such dependency upon the state without it becoming self-serving, especially in the face of the economic calculation problem.

The government is NOT the solution to our problems and recorded history proves that evidence, from the rise of monopolies, oligopolies and cartels, to the soaring inflation, price shortage and surplus waste problems among a great many other things. So when asking the question: is the state your enemy? The answer is, yes.

Intro: (0:00)
Far-Right: (0:17)
They Are Private: (1:32)
Oversimplification: (2:37)
Role of Government: (3:58)
State Definitions:(4:26)
Conservative View: (5:11)
They Are the Problem: (5:30)
Theoretical Nonsense: (6:29)
Government in Theory: (8:03)
The 'IDEA': (8:44)
Desires: (9:28)
Theory and Practice: (10:58)
Government Regulation: (11:50)
Politiicans Lies: (12:19)
Concentration: (13:53)
Intentions: (14:18)
Profits: (14:51)
Unintended Consequences: (15:25)
Bribery (15:43)
Climate Nonsense: (17:16)

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