Ireland Celebrates Abortion

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Today on "Catholic Drive Time"

Abortion... the opioid of the Masses? Ireland “celebrates” four years of abortion. Robert Nugent joins us from the Emerald Isle.
Robert Nugent – Abortion in Ireland – 6666 abortions in four years.
How could so many Irish support such an evil?
Why would they chant and cheer for it?

A jury found Michael Susman NOT guilty for lying to the FBI... Turns out he was just a concerned citizen who billed his client for his time in providing the FBI with false information.
A retired federal agent is suspected of having encouraged our assisted the Buffalo gunman Payton Gendron in the mass killing a few weeks ago.
U.S. Supreme Court blocks Texas law restraining social media companies
The feast of the Sacred Heart was approved for specified dioceses by Clement XIII in 1765, and extended to the whole Church by Pius IX in 1856. In 1889 Pope Leo XIII elevated it to the rank of first-class, and through an encyclical letter in 1899 dedicated the whole Catholic world to the Sacred Heart of Jesus.

Second Hour: breaking news, saint of the day, Gospel, Plus New Round of the Catholic trivia game show Fear and Trembling!!!

Then Stay tuned for the Catholic Drive Time After Show!!!! Starting at 7:30 am where we let our hair down and speak more casually across our live streams. We will field questions from our comment sections.

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