How We are Handling the Texas Power Outage and Record Low Temps

3 years ago

Just wanted to let you guys know we are okay and doing fine. I had to keep it short because even though we have power we don't have internet so everything is with a tethered phone for now. We are running rewinds for a few days of the podcast.

It is times like this where I feel blessed to be a prepper and even with all our preps this is NOT what we are really prepared for. 0 degrees in Texas is unheard. 10 consecutive days below freezing with most of those days with lows in the single digits and the other half in the low teens is something most would not even believe could happen.

We are actually having to use some water that we normally would not and we are even playing around with melting snow in my huge brew kettle and it seems worth the effort. I am hopping I won't have to much to repair pipe wise when the power comes back, we shall see. As I say in this video PLEASE guys and gals have bit of grace for the people you see online or on TV who are really suffering here. It is easy to say you should be prepared but we are more prepared then 99.5% of folks in the world and it is not easy even for us.

I watched folks yesterday eating gas station food and huddling inside a Race Track. You could tell they had no way to cook food at home, no form of back up heat, no water, etc. The fact that we have a generator, gas, a propane heater and a propane stove is why we are so well off right now. Hopefully the power will be back soon but I won't be surprise if it takes until Friday. If you are part of this, stay as warm as you can and do not be to humble to double up with a friend or family member who has power or back ups.

This is all gonna make one hell of a great AAR style show some time next week!

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