Tractor Snow plowing 2 miles of road in 20 mins KIOTI RX7320

4 years ago

FEB 2020 record cold and winter storms. Join us today as I take out the Kioti RX7320 with a 7' Rhino back blade and run down 2 miles of roads in about 20 mins flat (maybe faster I did not time it, and we paused for some videos!). This was a fantastic combination for sure. We got roughly somewhere around 7 to 8 inches of snow here on our Southern Illinois farm and I was helping out a neighboring farm, as they were not able to plow out. Stay tuned for 2 more snow plowing segments, each of which will be better than the last! Anyway today we'll run down 2 miles of road, about half of which is gravel and the other half asphalt, and you can see how fast the Kioti cuts right through this fresh snow. It was a beautiful sunny winter day, even though it was cold out. In this video you will notice that I often had the back window open on the Kioti, that is because I often got too hot in the cab with the heat on so I needed some 'cooler air,' which was ZERO degrees when did this plowing. Just goes to show how good the heating system is in the Kioti! Thanks for joining us, don't forget to hit the like button and share our video(s) to help us grow our country living and land management YouTube family. Also consider subscribing to follow all of our tractor projects, land management projects, Bobcat mini excavator projects, food plots, duck ponds, wildlife conservation projects, wildlife habitat improvement projects, Bobcat T650 CTL skid steer projects, Mrs. Kapper's DIY rustic barn wood projects, DIY rust home decor and furniture projects, Polaris Ranger XP 1000 UTV trail rides, buying land, land investing, selling land and much more country living adventure. Thank you! Kapper Outdoors, living the dream, one acre at a time.

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