Sergei Volynsky, Nicknamed "Volyn", Spoke About The Last Days Of The Siege Of "Azovstal" Pt.2

2 years ago

Part 2 Of 2

🇷🇺🇺🇦⚡"Volyn" told how he abandoned his positions at the plant.

Ilyich and went to Azovstal

“About 200 guys went with me, mostly they were from the Marine Corps, with whom I served.

We got ready, put identification marks Z on the equipment and moved in the direction of Azovstal.”

The column of his former commander, commander of the 36th Separate Marine Brigade Vladimir Baranyuk, was defeated during the retreat.

Baranyuk himself was taken prisoner.

According to Volynsky, they were supposed to act together, but no command was received from Baranyuk to move.

Part 1 Of 2

🇷🇺🇺🇦⚡The former commander of the 36th Marine Brigade of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, Sergei Volynsky, nicknamed "Volyn", spoke about the last days of the siege of "Azovstal".

“The Russian Federation had superiority in aviation, artillery, armored vehicles, tanks, manpower.

We were in complete encirclement,” Volynsky said.


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