Venomous: The Missing Link to Understanding COVID? (Episode 1: BONUS)

2 years ago

May 31, 2022

Next up, Dr. Bryan Ardis shares insight into his latest research…

“It's called alpha toxin. And it does exactly what SARS‑CoV‑2 does, causes respiratory paralysis and failure”.

He reveals why smokers are LESS likely to get C0V!D… and how the FDA and Fauci went in the news and said,

“Smokers are being hospitalized and dying from C0V!D more than anyone else”, which we now know was another lie to cover-up their agenda.

We’ll also be sharing Maddie de Garay’s shocking vaxx injury and healing journey. You can watch her story unfold throughout Unbreakable!

Over 15 months ago, Maddie, now 13, was part of the Pfizer trial for 12- to 15-year-olds.

Just 24 hours after getting her second shot, she experienced a severe reaction.

A previously healthy Maddie is now wheelchair-bound, and has to get her food through a feeding tube.

She is just one of the millions who have been severely impacted by the jab.

Throughout the 9 episodes of Unbreakable, you’ll discover her story, and learn how Dr. Henry Ealy and Dr. Russell Marz are working together to help restore Maddie’s health.

You’ll also hear from Maddie’s mom, Stephanie de Garay, as she shares her heartfelt testimony about what it’s been like for Maddie.

We’ll also hear shocking reports from top US doctors Dr. Larry Palevsky, Dr. Jane Ruby, and Dr. Richard Bartlett, and human rights attorney, Leigh Dundas… You don’t want to miss it!

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