2 Types of Cash Payment for Social Security Disability, Who Gets Them?

3 years ago

If you are approved for Social Security disability, you will receive
TWO different types of cash payments.

The first type of payment you will receive is a LUMP SUM check:

This represents PAST DUE BENEFITS that have accrued during the months or years that you have been WAITING for a decision.

For example, if you apply for SSDI in March 2019, claiming an onset date of July 3, 2018, and your hearing is held in December, 2020, you would be eligible for past due benefits beginning in January, 2019 (you don't get paid during the 5 month waiting period of August-December, 2018).

In this scenario, you would get a LUMP SUM representing 24 months of past due benefits (January, 2019 thru December, 2020). If your monthly benefit is $2,000 per month, your lump sum would be $24,000.

Second, is your on-going MONTHLY check:
To continue with our example, you would begin receiving monthly SSDI payments from Social Security in the amount of $2,000 per month starting in January, 2021.

As you can see you can benefit yourself financially by choosing the earliest possible ONSET DATE.

You can also find out how much you would receive as a monthly benefit by downloading (at no cost) your MySocialSecurity statement at https://www.ssa.gov/myaccount/.


So why would need a lawyer to help you? Because your chances of success are 300% greater WITH representation than without. And actually, my win rate is higher!

Please listen this this closely: If you lose by going it alone, you get a
ZERO DOLLAR lump sum payment and ZERO DOLLAR monthly checks.
This is the worst case scenario. I've seen people throw away their financial future because they thought they'd be cheap and take on
The Social Security Administration alone. DON'T DO IT!

Critically, a lawyer like myself only gets 25% of the lump sum and you keep 100% of the monthly checks. (In other words, you keep 75% of the lump sum and 100% of the monthly checks.) Plus, there is no fee unless we win. None. You have no risk, but so much to gain.

I'll tell you this from my 30-year experience helping THOUSANDS of people get disability, you DO NOT want to be cheap at this point because no one can afford getting ZERO of anything. Make the right decision today, choose a professional like me to help you get what's yours by law, and not one penny less.


============== FREE CASE EVALUATION =================
If you or a loved one would like a case evaluation for your
SSDI or SSI case, please contact me at

================= CONTACT ME ========================
Jonathan Ginsberg
Social Security Disability Attorney
Website: https://www.ssdAnswers.com
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/GinsbergLaw/
Telephone: 800-890-2262
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