3 New Trends When Applying for Social Security Disability in 2021

3 years ago

As I discuss in this video, there are THREE important trends I have noticed in my practice that I am encouraging my clients and potential clients to keep in mind.

First, make sure to choose an appropriate onset date for your disability. Social Security requires a medical connection between your loss of employment and your claim for disability. If you were terminated from employment because for economic reasons your last day of work may not be appropriate to use as your onset date.

Social Security adjudicators and judges will find you much more believable if you can link your onset date to some medical crisis or event. For example, if you lost your job in February, but did not get a surgical recommendation until August, the August date may be a better choice for your alleged onset date.

Second, you cannot use the pandemic as an excuse for gaps in medical treatment. Social Security disability decision makers hate gaps in treatment but in the spring and summer of 2020 it was all but impossible to see a doctor.

Since then, however, more medical practices have opened for either live visits or for tele-medicine. If Social Security sees gaps of more than two or three months between doctors visits, they will assume that your condition is not that serious.

So, whether you seek in-office care or tele-medicine visits, make sure to schedule regular meetings with your doctor so that your medical record will show consistent treatment.

Finally, I would encourage you NOT to discount the mental health ramifications of the pandemic. You are likely to feel anxious and possibly depressed about not being able to work and about the chronic nature of your medical problems.

But the added stress of not being able to socialize with your friends and increased financial strains within your family may make your anxiety and depression even worse.

Depression, anxiety and stress can make physical symptoms worse and may negatively impact your focus, concentration and memory. Do not hesitate to include mental health concerns in your application for disability benefits or on the paperwork for your appeal.

While we all hope that medical science will continue to perfect vaccines and anti-viral treatments, the reality is that we should not expect a return to our pre-coronavirus lives anytime soon.
So the practical and medical realities arising from this pandemic should be part of your disability claim.


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================= CONTACT ME =======================
Jonathan Ginsberg
Social Security Disability Attorney
Website: https://ssdanswers.com
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/GinsbergLaw/
Telephone: 800-890-2262
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