How to Lose $30,000 of YOUR benefits from Social Security Disability!

3 years ago

I like to tell people, "What you don't know can cost you big time!"
Probably because its SO TRUE!!!

What should you do if you receive a letter from Social Security stating that they have approved your claim, BUT they have changed your ONSET DATE? And is it ever a good idea to appeal this type of approval?

If Social Security changes your onset date (also called your "Date of Entitlement") this means that you will LOSE OUT on several months of past due benefits. Or more.


For example, if you alleged an onset date of May 1, 2018 and Social Security approves you but CHANGES the onset date to January 1, 2021, (in effect subtracting 30 months from your original date) you could LOSE well over two years of past due benefits!

This could amount to $30,000 or more that you won’t receive. THAT'S REAL MONEY!
All with the stroke of a pen from the Federal Government.

In this video, I discuss how I ANALYZE a changed onset case, and when I recommend accepting the new date of entitlement as opposed to appealing this approval and continuing your case.

I also discuss the importance of knowing your "date last insured for Title II SSDI" and why it is almost never a good idea to accept an onset date after your date last insured.

Obviously, we have big things to discuss if you need help with this. Reach out to my office now if you have any concerns about ONSET DATES. It costs you nothing, but NOT knowing can cost you PLENTY!


============== FREE CASE EVALUATION =================
If you or a loved one would like a case evaluation for your
SSDI or SSI case, please contact me at

================= CONTACT ME =======================
Jonathan Ginsberg
Social Security Disability Attorney
Telephone: 800-890-2262
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0:00 - Introduction to Onset Date Blues
1:00 - 1st point
1:54 - 2nd point
3:16 - One Caveat (DLI)
4:53 - Next Steps


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