New Rules for Winning Rheumatoid Arthritis Social Security Disability Claims

3 years ago

What does it take to win a rheumatoid arthritis disability case in 2021?

As I discuss in this video, Social Security disability judges are less likely to approve rheumatoid arthritis cases simply because you have an RA diagnosis.

There are now many different classes of medications (NSAIDS, DMARDs, biologics) available to treat RA and many patients have been able to delay the progression of their disease, continue working and engaging in daily activities with friends and family.

Several years ago, a confirmed diagnosis of RA - documented with blood tests or imaging studies - and records of ongoing treatment were enough. Judges used to assume that RA was a lifelong condition that did not respond well to treatment and inevitably led to loss of function.

Now, many disability judges view RA as a chronic but treatable condition that does not automatically mean that a diagnosed patient is disabled.

So what do you need to win? As I discuss in this video, judges expect to see regular and consistent treatment with a rheumatologist. They expect to see evidence that your disease is not responding well to treatment and that the damage to your joints is such that activities of daily living are impacted.

In my experience, a supportive functional capacity evaluation form that documents specific work activity limitations can often make the difference, but only if the limitations described are also documented in your medical record.

If you have been diagnosed with rheumatoid arthritis and your symptoms and/or medication side effects prevent you from maintaining a regular work schedule, please let me know so we can discuss the Social Security disability option.


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============== FREE CASE EVALUATION =================
If you or a loved one would like a case evaluation for your
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================= CONTACT ME =======================
Jonathan Ginsberg
Social Security Disability Attorney
Telephone: 800-890-2262
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