The Stars Will Shine Forever Over You / Jesse Stuart Poem / Original Music

3 years ago

The Stars Will Shine Forever Over You is a poem written by Jessie Stuart. I liked it so much I came up with some original music and made a song out of it. I overdubbed humming in this video. I have one without humming that I`ll switch to public in a few days.

The Stars Will Shine Forever Over You is a poem written by Jesse Stuart. I liked it so much I made up a song for it. Below is the whole poem in its entirety as written by Jesse Stuart.

The Stars Will Shine Forever Over You - Jesse Stuart Poem (1936)

The stars will shine forever over you,
But they will never reach down to your face:
And the dead leaves will hover over you
To leave a blanket on your resting place.

In summer burdock leaves will flap and wave
And sumac will grow and spit red leaves
The will lodge on a net, brown love-vine weaves
And webs that spiders weave above your grave.
You will not care for rhymes and gold leaves
when you lie in this place I am speaking of.

I don`t think you will know about them then,
And I don`t think that you will dream of love
When you lie blind to drifting skies above,
Out of the womb of woman at your birth.
At death you go back to the womb of earth


and here is how I sung it

In summer burdock leaves will flap and wave
And sumac sprouts will grow and spit red leaves
That lodge on a net, blood love-vine weaves
On webs that spiders weave above your grave.

The stars will shine forever over you,
But they will never reach down to your face:
And the dead leaves will hover over you
To leave a blanket on your burying place.

I do not think that you will dream of love
When you lie blind to drifting skies above,
Out of the womb of woman at your birth.
At death you go back to the womb of earth

The stars will shine forever over you,
But they will never reach down to your face:
And the dead leaves will hover over you
To leave a blanket on your burying place.

#Jesse Stuart Poetry
#The Stars Will Shine Forever Over You
#Poetry songs
#Poems about death
#20th Century Poetry

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