Puppies five Essential Curiosities

2 years ago

Puppies five Essential Curiosities.
We know that, in general, dogs are the favorite pets of human beings all over the world. In Brazil, for example, they are present in more than 44.3% of homes. In the United States there are more than 77.8 million dogs in homes all over the country! But beyond statistics, there are infinite things we want to know about dogs, right? How to interpret their signals, for example? Where do their favorite habits come from? That's why we brought 5 of the main curiosities about dogs for you, who want to know more about the behavior of your best friends.
Why do dogs lift their paws to pee?
This happens because, historically, dogs - especially males - are territorial animals, and when they raise their paws, they can mark a larger region with their scent, keeping away possible predators and other males, which could compete for food. The same can happen with male cats, and some female dogs also acquire this habit by living together with males, mainly, but it is still considered unusual.
Why do dogs like to chew bones?
Another historical aspect! The ancestors of dogs, the wolves, used to slaughter their prey and gnaw the bones so as not to waste any little piece of meat, besides cleaning their teeth and ingesting calcium. Today, domesticated dogs have more fragile teeth, so it is recommended not to leave them gnawing on bones all day, but instead to give them a leather or soft plastic bite so that they can feel like real predators!
Why do dogs like to lick us?
This habit comes from an early age: puppies often lick their mother's mouth as a sign of obedience, to show affection, or to ask for food. As we have become their parents, they love to lick us to show how much they love us and to make it clear that they are happy to be with us. If your dog loves to lick you, this is a great sign!
How do dogs "guess" that we are coming?
This is clearly a super skill, isn't it? But it has nothing to do with guessing. In fact, it is the hearing of dogs that surpasses that of us humans by a factor of 4! This means that, generally speaking, they can pick up the same sound at a distance up to 4 times greater than us. But it does not stop there! They can also hear sounds that we cannot. And if hearing is not enough, they have an even better sense of smell! There are 220 million odor receptor cells, which means, in general, that they "smell" about 44 times better than we do. This is how they can hear your car coming from miles away and smell your perfume when you have just entered the elevator! How cool is that?
How does my dog see the world?
It is common to say that dogs are color-blind, but it has been scientifically proven that this is a myth. What happens is that the canine vision is quite different from ours in several aspects, but it cannot be summarized as color blindness. Dogs' retinas have fewer cones (which are responsible for capturing colors), but more rods (which are auxiliary cells for detecting movement and light), so the way they see the world is just different from ours, but not better or worse.
So, do you feel you know your best friend a little better?

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