Spear of Destiny: Finding Bucephalus by Mary Lou Wells | Official Book Trailer

2 years ago

Check out the official trailer for Spear of Destiny: Finding Bucephalus, the epic second book in Mary Lou Wells's Annals of Aeternum series. A Firebird Book Award winner gaining international acclaim for excellence in Historical Fiction. Full of mystery-thriller suspense, paranormal events, and classic Tolkien-style fantasy.

A Smoky Mountain Press Publication
Amazon books: https://www.amazon.com/Spear-Destiny-Finding-Bucephalus-Aeternum-ebook/dp/B09Z6C6TJM/ref=tmm_kin_swatch_0?_encoding=UTF8&qid=&sr=

Amazon Goodreads: https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/61195141-spear-of-destiny

Lulu.com bookstore: https://www.lulu.com/search?adult_audience_rating=00&page=1&pageSize=10&q=Mary+Lou+Wells

About Spear of Destiny: Finding Bucephalus

If the only way to stop the destruction of humanity is to dive into hell knowing you will never likely escape, would you do it? What would you sacrifice faced with the forever loss of your soul's twin flame? Danger closes in, but there is more than one kind of true love and nothing is as simple as it seems. Find out what happens in Spear of Destiny: Finding Bucephalus.

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