Why is The Evolution Theory Relevant Today? | MSJN

2 years ago

James Perloff explains how the theory of evolution impacted historical figures such as Joseph Stalin and Andrew Carnegie and why the theory is important to understand today.

Perloff wrote for The New American magazine from 1985 to 2012 and has been blogging independently since 2014. He is the author of six books, the subjects of which range from COVID-19 to political history to creationism.
He has been a featured guest on hundreds of different radio and TV programs, and has also toured as a public speaker.

Learn more about James Perloff and his works at https://jamesperloff.net/

More Creation vs. Evolution Websites,
True.Origin - https://www.trueorigin.org/
Creation Research Institution - https://www.equip.org/
Answers in Genesis - https://answersingenesis.org/
The Creation Research Society - https://www.creationresearch.org/
Dr. Kent Hovind - https://www.youtube.com/c/KentHovindO...

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