From Sheriff Mack To YOUR Sheriff: Founder Of CSPOA, Sheriff Richard Mack (Part 1 of 2)

2 years ago

From Sheriff Mack To YOUR Sheriff: Founder Of CSPOA, Sheriff Richard Mack (Part 1 of 2) | Richard Sacks

Lost Arts Radio Show on Sunday 11/15/20

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Sheriff Richard Mack is known to our regular audience as a Constitutional Sheriff and the Founder of Constitutional Sheriffs and Peace Officers Association (CSPOA). He successfully fought in court against the federal government, to stop their overreach connected with the Brady bill, and has taught many hundreds of Sheriffs the important elements of their positions as protector of the rights of the citizens in their counties, and the powers they have to accomplish that task that they may never have been told.

As corruption saturates ever more power positions in federal, state and local governments, it becomes increasingly critical for Sheriffs to understand and carry out what their sworn oaths really mean. They are the second to last line of defense of the people in their county, leaving only the Constitutional militias as more basic as a last resort. In fact, since the Sheriffs can form posses and deputize citizens, they are in some ways very similar to leaders of Constitutional militias, and with similar responsibilities. In his or her county, the Sheriff is the highest legitimate law enforcement officer, responsible only to the people who voted him or her into office, empowered to stand between the citizens and even state, federal or corporate officials, if need be.

The Sheriff's real powers and duties are a sacred trust meant to safeguard the lives of American citizens. But how can that happen, unless the Sheriffs are educated to learn what their positions and responsibilities really are? Over 3,000 Sheriffs currently serve in the united States of America, and every one of those men and women would benefit greatly from knowing what CSPOA has to teach them. The idea of this Sunday's show is to bring Sheriff Mack directly to them, to accomplish just that. Do what you can to bring this Sunday's edition of Lost Arts Radio to your Sheriff, as a way to learn or review the basics, and as an invitation to contact Sheriff Mack directly ( to arrange the rest of the available training (

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Richard Sacks, Host

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