Mary's Closing Prayer Dayton Right To Life Anniversary Luncheon

2 years ago

It was an honor to pray for the end of abortion.
Dear God,

Thy Kingdom come and thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven.

We are here Lord to stand for the unborn, Your children! The child that You created at conception. We come into the courts of heaven and demand the end of this baal worship in all the body’s, cities, states countries and the world. Each of Your children is a particular soul, and body from God, Yourself. Each given by God, life, liberty and property.

Now the lie of Roe v Wade dies. Justice Blackmun said “if it can be shown that the fetus is a human being, a person, the law in total is void.”

Not sent back to the state. It ends here. No state needs to wrestle with this ever again. It is decided. Your will be done, now. Praise the Lord. We do not worship government but You, oh God. Our rights come from You.

It is not enough to send this repugnant decision back to the states.

We the ekklesia decree it is decided, done. Abortion is murder no longer tolerated ever on earth again.

We declare the gates of hell will not prevail. This determination of the evil ones to destroy the children in the womb and born will never again be, or be discussed. Your will, will be done now and forever.

You sent us for a time as this. We boldly say this is enough and “enough is enough”! We are all exceptional in Your will. No minorities of evil baal worshipers will reign over any human being in the uterus or out of it. You made us free. We welcome Your freedom. Save this nation for the medical dishonesties, financial assault, responsibility coopted, religious deception and election schemes.

We the ekklesia send the host of heaven to tear down each and every stronghold in the world and in hearts, from the enemy. We receive your purification of the souls and our nation and our world. Revival is here. Let thy kingdom come your will be done now and forever in Jesus’ name, Amen and Amen.

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