Seriously So

2 years ago

We would be a fool not to recognize the serious nature of the times we are living in. It seems like whatever direction we turn, we are losing our keel, and seriously leaning into an event in our culture, that will capsize our freedom as a nation. This Is Serious! Everything feels so very serious right now, we feel the burden of pressure on all sides of us, a huge weight on our shoulders. (1 Peter 3:13-18) Simply-Significantly, God has not abandoned us to the will of our enemy. God is our anchor and He is with us, right in the middle of this cultural storm. He is teaching us a strong dependence on Him, a steady followship of His navigational charts, as we move forward in these murky waters. Seriously So! God has instructed us to be “wise as serpents and gentle as doves”. Living connected to God, in personal relationship, in a miraculous way of heart-to-heart communion with God. This vital vertical relationship with God, it takes the edge off of serious and gives us a different kind of edge, a miraculous edge of His joy and strength. Seriously So.

What we are facing in the downward spiral of our current cultural corruption is very serious, no doubt about it. But God is seriously engaged in the midst of these times. He has not abandoned His authority over to evil. God is a mighty fortress for us in times such as these. Seriously so! Don’t focus on the serious decline of humanity, our main serious focus should be Jesus. We should be found seriously pursuing Him, His way truth and life and seriously in love with God and seriously in followship of God’s Holy Spirit. In these serious times, if you are loving God, listening up to God, your heart attitude will reflect joy and your soul will have strength. Yes, these are serious times, but not so much on our shoulders as we yield to God and position ourselves underneath His Rulership of love.

Seriously, we don’t have to be so seriously burdened about the signs of our times, we can enjoy our lives, straighten our keep and not let our lives capsize in a sea of fear. Our God is a Mighty Fortress. Are mortal ills prevailing? Yes! Seriously So! The craft and power of our enemy looking great with cruel hate? Yes! Seriously So! Remember… on earth there is no equal to Jesus and He is on our side. Seriously So! That doesn’t mean that we live sloppily. We are wise in our followship of God. Yet, we don’t go to the other side of fear that impulsively drives us to be a fixer, which we are not. God is the Fixer. We have to remind ourselves, not to be so serious, that we are no earthly good to being on mission with God if all our energy is spent on the serious side of this life here. Let go. Trust God. Let God work in us and through us. God’s truth will triumph through us and the doom of our enemy is sure, as God’s truth stands the tests of time and His forever Kingdom prevails. We have a future and a hope, our enemy does not and his time is almost over! Seriously So! Listen Up:

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