Indications of Saturn in Astrology

3 years ago

In this video I discuss many indications of Saturn in your chart. Saturn is the planet of duty, wherever it sits in your chart or aspects, you will have a sense of responsibility and commitment to its indications. It is a serious planet, you tend to feel the lack in the house that it sits in and dries out the planets it is with. Saturn is about rules, structure, hard work, tenacity, struggle, sickness, longevity, service, disability, the elderly and the unfortunate people in our world. It is the very back bone of the society and brings about order, systems and boundaries. It is a neuter planet rules Saturdays, colour black, the gem stone is blue sapphire/onyx. It rules the bone structure, teeth, calves and knees. A strong Strong means you are serious, reliable and know how to get the job done. Saturnian people keep their word and never usually let you down. Their glass is always half empty, they can be worried, fearful but very service oriented. Rules the root chakra and being grounded by having their feet firmly on the ground. It is exalted at 20 degrees of Libra where you interact with others and debilitated at 20 degrees in the opposite sign Aries where everything is about me, myself and I. Saturn gives you rewards for working hard and paying back your karmic backlog, it never denies only delays till the time is right.
It receives directional strength in the 7th house of relationships with the others where we pay the most karma. It is friendly with Mercury and Venus, neutral with Jupiter and an enemy to Moon, Sun and Mars.
To strengthen the Saturn in your chart you can use this mantra:
“Om Nam Shani Namaha” or do charity work, help the sick elderly and under privileged.
I use Sidereal zodiac.
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